Here’s What We Have…

Thank you for providing your information. Below you will find links to all of the Printable Documents we have made for you y’all. We will be adding more in the future and will keep you posted as we do. Please feel free to download anything we have here. You can also print it straight from this page. Put your cursor over the name of the document to open the PDF and then move your cursor to the bottom of the document you have opened to see the option icons appear. We hope you find something helpful and are able to put them to good use.

If you like what you see below and would like to show your appreciation, we have an online store with approximately 50 products for purchase. Thank you all for your trust and support.

**Disclaimer** What you see here are our creations (excluding the Jaeger Sports J-Band exercise chart), ideas and put together to help give direction where it may be needed. They are derived from our personal experience and what we would do with our students. You can follow them to a “T” or tweak them to work for you and your Dude.


Baseball Dudes Pre-Season Throwing Program

Players, Parents and Coaches:

Preparation is key. Please feel free to use our Pre-Season Throwing Program to make sure your Dude(s) prepare the way many professionals do in their off-season to ensure that their arm is healthy and ready for the upcoming spring training and first games of the season..

**Bullpen, long toss and weekly throwing routines for all ages included in packet**

Video Demonstrations for drills in the Catch/Long Toss routine:

Hip/Shoulder Separation Drill

Spin Drill

Post Throwing Arm Care Exercises


In-Season Cover

In-Season Throwing Routine 9-10
In-Season Throwing Routine 11-12
In-Season Throwing Routine 13-14
In-Season Throwing Routine 15-16
In-Season Throwing Routine 17-18

Having a plan between games/outings is vital for pitchers. This is when they recover and prepare for the next time it’s their turn to pitch. Catch routine/long toss routine/mound routine needs to become habit. In these routines you will find plans according to how many pitches a pitcher threw in a game along with when they should be eligible to pitch again.


Post Throwing Arm Care Routine

There are many great exercises out there to use for post throwing (game and bullpen work). Here are some of our favorites. Simple yet effective. Below is a video example of all (except for pushups).

See on YouTube


Bullpen Chart

Use this chart to track pitches and strike percentages for your pitcher(s). Couple this chart along with our Bullpen Routine charts for ease of planning.


Bullpen Routines

Fastballs Only, Fastballs & Change Ups, All Pitches
Pitchers need a plan when they step on the mound to either get in some work or prepare for the game they are about to pitch. Routines makes sure we are giving attention to everything that needs focus. Routines help us stay focused on what we need to be focused on instead of our mind drifting trying to decide what to do next. The best always have a plan for what they are doing. **Note, when throwing off speed pitches, have a plan for each one. For a strike…In the dirt for a put away…Back door.

These are also in our store laminated and available individually or as a bundle. Click image to view in our store.


Bullpen Dot Chart

This chart is designed to be used with our bullpen routine(s) above. Looking from the pitchers POV, use this chart to document pitch execution compared to the intended location. We’ve also added a “blank” version for you to fill in your own pitch routine. Use a pen/pencil to mark down the pitch result. We can use this type of info to recognize patterns in misses, for example pulling most pitches glove side, which can help us figure out possible mechanical adjustments needed.


Player Development Goals

We put together this list of positional fundamentals and skills teams dn individual players need to become great at over their time as a player. Coaches, our hope is this list will help you in developing your season goals and practice planning. Hope it’s helpful!

Spray:Hitters Chart
Spray:Hitters Chart-Sample

This document/chart was designed as a spray chart and a hitters chart for pitchers to track hitters previous at bats all in one spot. Use it to notice tendencies, what they have hit, how we have got them out, what we have struck them out with, etc. There are many ways to execute charts like this so find a system that works for you but we have added a sample, completed, chart for your reference. This could be a great tool to have your players complete while they are one the bench…Keep them engaged in what’s happening every pitch.


Practice Plan

This is a plan we’ve used for our Instructional League workouts in the past. Included is a sample, a blank and two pages of Player Development goals by positions/skills.


Performance Evaluation Sheet

Use this document to help your pitchers learn how to process their performance in a healthy and development focus manner. There are most always good things to learn from and areas that we need to be better in. Help them learn to make a growth mindset a habit.



Jaeger Sports J-Band Pre Workout Arm Care Routine

We also recommend the Jaeger Sports Pre-Workout Arm Care routine that utilizes their J-Bands. Again, if you are going to be a part of our Player Development Program, get familiar with this. You can use any type of resistance band for these but if you don’t, I highly recommend the J-Bands.

For more info on the J-Bands and to purchase, you can find them in our online store by clicking on the image below.


Dugout Line Up Card

This was put together for those looking for a lineup card that gives you enough lines for hitting your whole 12 man roster and one that helps you keep track of your available arms, how many they can throw that day and when they threw last. This is also available in our store to be customized for your team with your name and team logo for the watermark.

Here is the link to it in our store.

Goal Sheet

Use this Goal Sheet to help your player(s) develop a clear picture for what they are working for. What they want to accomplish. How they plan on making them happen. Setting goals is a vital step towards true success. Take some time to really think about what you put down on paper. Go get’em!


Starters Routine

Starters Routine Sheet

Use this to help your starting pitchers have a plan for their day. Having a plan before we step on the field is what we need to do to make sure our mind is organized and right from minute one. If you have questions about some of the abbreviations on it, just ask.


Weekly Pitchers Schedule

Coaches…Use this to make a plan for the coming week. Keep track of who is starting on which day, what relievers are available for the games ahead and who has side work to get in and on which day.


Monthly Pitchers Log

Coaches…Use this to keep track of when your pitchers have pitched in a game and when they will in the future. In the column box that they pitched, write innings and total pitches (example: 4.1/65). Use this to mark down which day they need to get in a bullpen session and when they should do their Long Toss. This document should help you stay organized with your pitchers. If you have any questions about how to use this, please feel free to reach out.


Rubber Position

Creating deception with where a pitcher stands on the rubber. If you’re looking for a way to make your stuff a little tougher to hit, this might be something to help. Use the angles available to you!!


Pitchers Game Chart

The chart is a recreation of what is used at the professional level to track a pitchers detailed in game stats. If the team you are facing has more than 9 batters in their lineup, simply use two charts to track them.

Side note: Please refer top the Spray:Hitters Chart for a sample on how to fill out a chart like this.


Dugout Culture

There are many ways a team can handle themselves in the dugout which can help prepare them for when they are on the field. There’s way more to it than just cheering on their teammates. Great teams tend to have different dugout habits.

Check out our “Dugout Culture” poster printed on sturdy PVC board made to hang in your dugout. Find it on our “Posters” page in our store. Click on the image to be directed to our store.


Pitcher Game Notes

Coaches, use this to keep notes as the game goes on. It’s very easy to forget the little mistakes that happen as you get deeper into a game. Keep track of things like a pitcher forgetting to back up a base or not getting over quick enough to cover first on a ground ball to the right side of the field. Use this to keep track of their times to the plate with runners on base. Remember their goal should be in the 1.30-1.40 range to give the catch a chance to throw the runner out. We have also added a spot for you to keep track of your pitchers pitch count. Remember to be smart here. Thanks guys and we hope you find this useful.


Hitter's Game Notes

Hitter’s Game Notes

Coaches, use this to keep notes as the game goes on. The first column is for the AB result. Next column is TPS which is for total pitches seen. Then, try to get their times running to first. Give them a gage of how fast they are getting down the line. They should always be wanting to get better on this. Then notes. You could also use this column to keep track of hard contact. Hope some of you find this useful.


Pitch Count Suggestions/Guidelines

Parents and Coaches, use this to make sure you are keeping a close eye on your pitchers work load. Hopefully you have a good understanding of why monitoring this is so important, especially during this generation of travel baseball/tournament baseball/showcases and families who have their player playing on more than one team at the same time. Of all the documents we have, we hope you find this one the most useful.


Pitch Allowance

Parents and Coaches, use this to help with making sure you stay on top of what your pitchers arms are ready for. What their bodies are conditioned for. Pairing this with our Pitch Count chart above should really help you get a handle on taking care of those arms.


Checklist for Pitching Mechanics

Parents and Coaches, use this document to break down your Dudes pitching delivery. Use the last sheet to take some notes. I recommend using video analysis to really be able to see what their body is doing. This document will show you just how much goes into a healthy, repeatable delivery. One that can produce more strikes. As always, if you have any questions on this, please feel free to reach out.


Baseball Dudes DIY Pitching Mound

Click here for our recommended supplies for your build (minus the lumber).

Have fun with this project. If you have any questions, please never hesitate to reach out!


QAB Chart

Tracking Quality At-Bats is a great way to help players see the game as a whole and not just focus on that “Base Hit” stat. Help them understand there are many ways to be productive at the plate even though they may not reach base. The more Team QAB’s we have over the course of a game, the better our chances are of coming out on top.


Hustle Chart

Use this chart to keep track of your players aggressiveness on the base paths. Make a game out of it, keep points and help them see the importance the little things.


Some of our products!!

Click on the image or here to go to our store

Above are some of the top products in our store. Thank you for taking time to look around our website and we hope you found something helpful!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.