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The Lessons

Take this for what it’s worth to you.

The game (baseball) gave me opportunities most young players will never get to experience. It challenged me in ways I’ll forever be grateful for. It helped develop a side of me I probably wouldn’t have with out it.

After spending a most of my life to this point playing and teaching the “game” I feel I can say with certainty that it really is just a game.

The scoreboard is the focus in the moment but at the end of the day there will always be way more to it than that.
• The lessons from every moment of failure.
• The lessons from learning how to be a great teammate.
• The lessons from learning how important preparation is.
• The lessons from learning how to control your emotions.
• The lessons from learning how to be aware of what’s happening around you.
• The lessons from recognizing personal and team weaknesses.
• The lessons from being able to work with and through physical pain and discomfort.
• The lessons from being humbled CONSTANTLY.
• The lessons of responsibility and accountability.

Getting to play the game is fun but at the end of the day using the game to make us a better more prepared person for life away from the game is WAY bigger than the game.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dear Parents

Dear Parents:

We all know many coaches can be better at how they plan and utilize team practice time. But let’s make sure we are clear about something, your athletes development is not solely on them. In fact, they are just a small piece. To blame them for your athletes lack of production, is a big mistake. Before even second guessing your athletes coaches, answer these questions:

• How much does your athlete really love their sport(s)?
• How much time do they spend on their own daily/weekly practicing their sport(s)?
• What is their attitude like when with their team and things aren’t going well?
• Are they a good teammate?
• How’s their focus?
• Are they able to apply what they are learning (aptitude)?
• Are they in the right situation and level or team for their ability level?
• Are they accountable for their mistakes or do they have a habit of blaming and excuse making?

Parents, YOU are a major part of their development. Great coaches can make a huge difference for players BUT they are temporary. Your expectations must be realistic and understanding the requirements or growth are necessary. Check your athletes habits before anything else. If they are doing their part, be careful of looking elsewhere for reasons before looking at home first.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dugout Culture

• Position players, study the opposing pitchers. Look for patterns in pitch selection. Tells in their delivery. How they handle hold times and pick off moves with runners on. See if they pay attention to the runner on third.

• Pitchers, study the opposing hitters. Are they on time with the load phase of their swing. What do they chase with two strikes. Do they swing first pitch. Does their approach change with runner on vs no runner on. Are they a base stealer.

• Position players, pick up your teammates. Know where everyones hat and glove is and when they are the last out of the inning someone be ready to take their stuff to them (unless they are the catcher).

• Coaches, they are watching. Your body language, your energy, your support. Establish a culture of responsibility and accountability. Be the example of what you preach.

• Pitchers, if there is a long inning (with your team batting) make sure to keep your body moving. With two outs do some band work, arm circles or maybe even go to the bullpen to play a little catch. Keep that arm loose.

• Catchers, unless you were at bat, on base or on deck, make sure you are ready to go when that third out is made. Team, if your catcher needs to get their gear on, make sure some is ready to go out and warm up the pitcher.

• All Players, talk baseball. There is plenty of time away from the field to goof off. Create an atmosphere of supporting one another. Watching the game together. Cheer your teammates on but be careful letting your “cheers” be the only thing you’re thinking about. The dugout is a place to prepare for your next opportunity.

• Everyone, bust your butt to your position. NO WALKING out to your position!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

10 Tips for Parents of Athletes:

1. Control your emotions. Be a consistent example of mental stability. Show them how to properly respond when things don’t go our way. They will be able to get the most out of their skills when they are mentally in control.

2. Support them away from their team. All players should practice their sport on their own time. They will always have more time away from their team to get better than they will while with them. Help them develop this great habit. Help them learn to take their development into their own hands.

3. Be realistic. Put them in a position to thrive. We want them to get better but just because we want them to be ready for a certain level doesn’t always mean they are ready for that level. Just because that’s where their friends are doesn’t mean it’s the right place for them at that moment.

4. Don’t allow excuses and blaming. The longer they do this the longer they will stunt their own growth. Teach them the difference between the controllable’s and the un-controllable’s. Their attitude, effort, energy and focus.

5. Think twice about your conversations. What are you allowing? What are you participating in? What are you instigating? The tone, the message, the impact. Know this too, sometimes the best thing we can say is nothing at all. Silence is okay!

6. Sports are hard. If you played while you were younger, keep perspective on how hard it was. If you never did, I suggest you go out there and practice with them. Try doing everything they are trying to do.

7. Slow down!! It’s a process. They all grow at different rates. Support them, encourage them, motivate them and help them be their best but be careful of comparing them to their peers. The process and journey is different for all. Some are early bloomers while many are late bloomers. The most important years for an athletes performance don’t even happen until after puberity kicks in and again, that even hits at different ages.

8. Look for leaders. Place them in front of those who are great people. People who will help instill the same values you are trying to teach them at home. Raising children is hard. Never underestimate the power of outside voices.

9. Youth sports has a way of becoming a toxic enviornment. From gossip about other players to coach bashing to berating and belittling officials. Don’t be a part of it. Don’t get sucked into the emotions of it. If you want these years to be as enjoyable as possible, beware of the nonsense and stay away from it.

10. Please don’t ever let sports come between you are your child(ren). Don’t let your attitude about their performance cause strain in your relationship. This game is a temporary phase in their life and meant to be enjoyable. Your relationship is forever. Nurture it now to have for life.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Mental Stability

Besides physical tools, what goes on between our ears is absolutely vital for not just performing well but performing well consistently.

For the mentally weak and those who just can’t get a grip on their emotions when things don’t go their way, this game will chew them up and spit them out. Seen it happen and can only imagine how many talented athletes, and non-athletes, never reached, and will never reach, their full potential because they couldn’t get past “fair” or being so prideful they couldn’t handle being beat by their competition that day or they couldn’t grasp the importance of “stoic” when their teammates made mistakes.

It’s an emotional game, we are human. Excitement and frustration are most definitely part of being a competitor but using that as a reason or excuse to “lose it” is not “competing.” Throwing pitches with anger is not competing. Swinging harder than normal because we don’t like the last call is not competing. Hanging onto whatever happened the last pitch and being so distraught that we make a mistake on the next pitch/ball in play is not competing.

In the real world “Mental In-stability” leads to many mistakes and in some cases those mistakes can be life changing. Not just for us personally but often those around us. In our game this is often referred to as being “soft” or “easy to beat.” You call it what you want but if this is you, you are indeed easy to beat. You may have some special talent but ultimately you are not a strong competitor…YET!

Personal growth is an ongoing process. Some can, and do, fix things like this earlier in life while others take time and unfortunately some never figure it out. Having the ability to remain calm in tense situations puts us in a place to think clearly. To be able to critically think, observe the situation and make better thought out decisions. Breathe, relax your shoulders, give yourself a second.

We work so hard on improving and perfecting our physical tools but let’s make sure we are giving our mind the attention it needs and deserves too.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

5 Ways to Make Your Stuff Better…

As pitchers we are always trying to be better. We work to throw harder. We try to get our change up to drop more. We would love for our breaking pitchers to be sharper. This is a constant desire for those that spend years doing it, that’s part of what striving for excellence looks like. Now, there are most certainly things we can do to make our stuff “play” better than what it actually is. “Play” meaning how our stuff appears to the batters. Here are 5 ways to help make this happen…

1. Command the inside part of the plate!! Most hitters DO NOT like the ball inside, especially the higher the velocity. They want to get extended. It’s much easier for most of them to find the sweet spot with the ball further away from them. Throw fastballs inside for strikes AND for balls. Yes our main job is to throw strikes but sometimes purposely throwing a fastball inside off the plate can make them uncomfortable, maybe get them on their heels a little more and open up the outer half a little more. When they are aware we will come inside at any point it will give us more options as a pitcher.

2. Mix in a quick pitch. We are seeing it more and more at the highest level. Guys messing with leg lifts, using slide step pitches with no one on base and varying with delivery tempo. This is for one reason, to throw off the batters timing. Believe it or not, slide step change ups can be very affective pitches. The hitter has to rush their load and then try to hold back for the slower pitch. Very hard for most to do. As always, make sure pitchers we incorporate things like this into our weekly bullpens if we intend to do it in a game.

3. Work fast!! Be the first one out of the dugout. Get your warm up pitches done in 60-90 seconds. Put pressure on that first batter of the inning. Take no more than 8-12 seconds between pitches. Most hitters don’t want to feel rushed. They want to take their time. That’s okay as it is what works for them but we don’t necessarily want them to be “comfortable!” And remember this, when they call time out (because that is what they are taught to do when they feel rushed or do to slow us down) don’t get upset about it. It’s a good thing. It means we have them thinking about other things besides what they want to do with the next pitch.

4. Develop the ability to throw all your pitches in any count to any location. THIS is pitching. When the hitter knows you’re going to throw a first pitch FB 95% of the time, it starts to become less effective. When you only throw your breaking ball in two strike counts or when you’re ahead in the count, they will be more prepared for what to look for. Be able to execute your FB inside, outside, up and down. Be able to throw your CH to both righties and lefties whether you are ahead or behind in the count. Have the ability to throw your breaking pitches for get me over strikes, to put away (swing and miss) locations and back door/front door spots for strikes. We MUST become unpredictable to survive long term. Start developing this skill early!!

5. Get better at throwing more strikes!! The more we are ahead in the count the more effective our stuff is. When they are behind in the count the more they “protect” and chase pitches they wouldn’t as much when they are ahead in the count. Keep the pressure on THEM. When we are behind in the count, we are putting pressure on us. Practice pitching more, focus on hitting spots in catch, get more consistent with your delivery, visualize execution and positive outcomes and keep getting better at controlling those emotions to put yourself in a better mindset to think and compete with a clear mind.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

We Teach…They Play

June 1996 I was drafted by the Chicago Cubs. Three days after graduating HS I was on a plane to Fort Myers, FL for Rookie Ball. I soon found myself sharing a clubhouse with new faces from all over the country and the world. It was my first true taste of the game outside the small community I was from. I went on to have a strong first season but what I remember most was the teaching that happened.

Our manager was a guy named Sandy Alomar Sr. He was chill, always making us laugh and had the experience and knowledge to help us all. Many years later when I got a shot in the big leagues with the Rockies he was one of our coaches. Talk about full circle.

Development seems to have a different definition out there. People look at it different. For example, because of the baseball world I’ve spent much of my life in I would never sit in the dugout and call all the pitches for my pitchers and catchers. That’s their job, not mine. My job is to teach them, help them know what to look for, understand why and when, talk about their thoughts and choices in the dugout and team meetings and then let them play.

Looking back on that season I now know just how important it was for me to experience. Not just as a player but as a future teacher. To this day I will never forget how our position players were made to play the game. They were taught the game. They put on their own hit and runs. Were given the green light to steal. Put down sac bunts. Perform squeeze plays. Defensive alignment was put on by the players and of course us pitchers and catchers were responsible for ourselves. Were mistakes made…Haha, of course, we were all kids but we all know the best and quickest way to learn is to get our hands dirty.

That season was two and a half months long. I think about the process of that season and it’s awesome to think about how much we all learned in that short period of time. I do remember that we made the playoffs but didn’t win it all. That wasn’t the end goal. Our coaches jobs were to prepare us for the future. We were taught how to play the game. How to see the game. How to read the game. We were taught and then allowed to play.

Development never ends.

We Teach…They Play

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


There are 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week and 8,760 hours in a year. “I don’t have time” is the most widely used excuse for not doing something. We have all used it at some point but we all need to realize that anytime we say it what we are actually saying is “It’s not that important to me” or “There are other things I would rather be doing.”

If an athlete genuinely wants to get better, they WILL find the time to practice on their own. If someone truly wants to get in shape, they WILL find the time to workout and eat healthier. If a business is failing and the owners want to keep it alive, they WILL find the time to make changes. If a relationship is as important to someone as they say it is, they WILL find the time to help it grow. If a coach is passionate about the role they have taken on (even as a volunteer), they WILL find the time to learn how they can be the best they can at it.

How much time do we spend scrolling our phones? How much time to do we spend on YouTube? How much time do we spend on the sofa watching TV? How much time do we spend playing video games? I would bet if every person totaled up those minutes and hours they would suddenly realize they do have time to hit a few buckets on the tee, go play catch with their ball player, learn more about the sport they are coaching, get their school work done early or get in a workout.

We can always find a reason not to do something especially with the number of distractions we have at our fingertips, but the truth is if it’s something we care about enough, we will always find the “Time” to do it. So the next time we choose to say “I don’t have time” remember what we are actually saying is “It’s not that important.”

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

45 Days

Everything happens the exact way it’s meant to happen.

I spent the first 6 years of my career working my way up the Cubs minor league system finally reaching AAA in that 6th season. I was 23 years old at the time and one step away from the big leagues. They asked me to return for a 7th season but I was now a minor league free agent so I chose to give another organization a shot.

That off season I signed with the Astros but was let go with a few days left in minor league spring training. Through contacts I ended up signing with the Rockies a few days later and was assigned to their AAA team and made it there for opening day. This was when I met the coach whose approach would change my career and life. I learned more that year than I remember in all the years prior. I do believe timing and maturity played a part in that. I went on to have the best year of my career but still no call from the big league team.

After the season I became a free agent again and signed with the Giants. I went with their AAA team to start the season but was once again let go before the season even started. I spent the next month at home waiting for the next opportunity which ended up coming from my former organization, the Rockies. Within a week I was back with their AAA team and somehow ended up having an even better season than the one before. I finished that season in the big leagues where I ended up with “45 days” of MLB service time.

That’s not a substantial number in comparison to many of the guys I got to play with and compete against but it was life changing and the result of patience and a lot of work.

After that season they did not offer me a contract making me a free agent once again. That winter the Cardinals called and the next season I was assigned to their AAA team and went on to have a strong season, was in the top 5 in the league in multiple categories and the starting pitcher for the all star game. Though most likely deserved, no call came from the big league team that year either.

That winter came a call we never expected. An offer from a team in Japan. After weeks of negotiation, we agreed on life changing terms. I spent the next two years playing for the Seibu Lions of Japans version of our Major Leagues. What an experience!

After those two years I played for two more seasons, won the AAA championship with the Sacramento Rivercats (then AAA for the Athletics) and walked away on my terms.

Though my career didn’t play out as I thought and hoped it would it played out exactly how it was suppose to. From the phone calls that didn’t come to the days where I was the worst player on the field to the moments I got to spend with men who were true leaders and pioneers in the game, I’ll forever be grateful for those 45 days but even more thankful for what those 14 years gave me.

Life challenges us all in different ways. Take it all in, be in the moment and trust the process.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


No matter what level we are coaching at, we are developing minds. We are developing attitudes. We are teaching right from wrong. We are their leader and we are preparing them for life.

Having worked with, coached and trained, players ranging from 4 years old to 30 year old professionals, there’s one common theme with all of them. They need confidence. They will not be able to perform to their potential if they don’t have it. They need to believe and it’s hard to believe when they don’t have the support of those around them. Those being their teammates, coaches, parents, teachers, siblings, friends, etc.

The psyche is a fragile thing. When it breaks, by the players doing or by outside actions, the toughest part can often be putting it back together. This is where great leadership comes in. Just as a moment of poorly timed criticism can break a spirit, a moment of perfectly timed faith and uplifting words can bring ones attitude from the bottom to the top.

Strong leadership understands the levels of mental toughness. They understand and never forget how tough this game is. Quality leadership will never raise it’s voice out of anger to make them feel better but will only raise their voice in a motivating manner. That is leadership. That is looking to bring the confidence out in everyone and not trying to make them feel bad for their shortcomings.

Berating, belittling, putting down, demoralizing, showing up and calling out does no good for anyone. All it will do is instill fear, hatred, anger and break trust. It can break a team. This is poor leadership and can shatter the one thing they need most, their confidence.

Good Leadership is compassionate. Strong Leadership speaks the truth, even when it’s hard to hear, but will always give a solution. Quality Leadership has trust where poor leadership will struggle to keep it. Great Leadership can relate to different ages and is never biased towards talent and ability. Servant Leadership speaks with confidence to build confidence in those around them and knows the impact their words can have in a moment of failure.
Confidence is key to success on and off the field.


Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

A Few Things…

A few things we’ve learned over the years:

• Baseball is a TOUGH game.
• Complainers are miserable to be around.
• Some talk while others do.
• We will spend more of our life not playing baseball than playing.
• Peak athleticism is temporary.
• Character is forever.
• Actions DO speak louder than words.
• The truth scares a lot of people so they choose to not listen at all.
• Those who scream tolerance are often those the least tolerant.
• Entitlement is an adult issue that can go back generations. To help this generation get better, ours must get better first.
• Drama follows ego and pride. Stay away from it.
• If you desire respect you must give respect.
• Just because they played doesn’t mean they can teach.
• Everyone is different and we must respect that even if we don’t see eye to eye.
• You can’t force passion for the game.
• The most important piece on the field is the leadership, no matter the level of ball.
• Development is simply impossible without opportunity.
• Puberty is the number one piece to player development, AND YOU CAN’T RUSH IT.
• The rush attached to winning often clouds judgement.
• There’s nothing better than seeing a kid listen, learn, apply and gain confidence.
• Strong leadership is the difference maker. Find it and hold onto it.
• No matter our age, we must become good self evaluators.
• No matter our age, we must be coachable.
• Coach = Teacher
• Teacher = Leader
• Leader = Difference Maker
• The goal is for kids to learn, grow confidence and be excited for the future.
• Accountability may be our weakest trait as humans. Let’s get better. Let’s be better.
• In the end, the difference we made in others lives is what will matter most, not our W/L record. REMEMBER THAT.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

The Game Fixed Me

From a troubled teenager to a forty-five year old business owner and father of three.

I grew up in the Bay Area of California. Lived there until I was 13 years old. Was a Little League All Star, one of the top youth quarterbacks in our area and had a good circle of friends. The summer before my freshman year of high school my father received a transfer from the company he worked for and we relocated to the Northwest where we lived for the next 30 years.

Moving to a new town at this stage of life turned out to not be not so easy for me. I’m just a bit introverted (unless you want to talk about my children or baseball!) so finding new friends wasn’t the easiest. In football, no one knew me from Adam, the coaches pretty much had their teams made before the season started so I was never really given a chance and that season ended up being my last (guess my passion for it wasn’t that deep). The Baseball season started on the same note. My supportive parents finally convinced me to ask the coach for a meeting to express my feelings about how I felt I could help the team. That season ended on a good note with me proving my worth.

Fast forward to my sophomore year, I started running with the wrong crowd, made too many poor choices and even ended up leaving home for a couple weeks. Being a parent now, having two sons who have graduated HS, I can now imagine the pain I put my parents through. I’ve apologized on multiple occasions to them for the heartache I caused them during that phase in my life (lump in my throat). On the field, I had a good season and even got to spend a little time with the varsity team.

At some point during my junior year, I must have done some maturing. My circle of friends grew for the good, my dedication to the game became stronger, my academics started to improve and doors opened (I was invited to participate in the Area Code games as there were no tryouts back then) with the realization that there was a real chance to do something with Baseball beyond high school.

My senior year I committed to Texas A&M but chose to become a professional after being drafted in June of 1996. Three days after graduating I was gone. I had to grow up fast, start making my own decisions, start learning how to relate to people from all over the country, from different parts of the world and quickly realized that if I wanted to make it all the way, I had to be different.

As my career chugged along, my first handful of seasons were a roller coaster, good season, rough season, good season, rough season. Looking back, I really struggled with my work ethic (didn’t push myself hard enough) and struggled with accountability (every failure was my teammates, the umpire or my coaches fault). Put those two together and you get one unprepared emotional mess.

During my seventh season our first child was born. I still remember to this day being in our apartment in Colorado Springs realizing that life would never be the same. I could not be selfish anymore. This new person in my life needed me more than anything else. My wife needed me more than anything else. Every choice, every action, every behavior needed to be made with them in mind. Now it was time to REALLY grow up! Coincidently I also found myself in front of a coach who taught me more about pitching than all my seasons before. When I look back, this could also be when I was finally ready to receive the instruction (when the student is ready, the teacher appears).

From that day forward, the game taught me how to deal with so much. I started taking responsibility for my own preparation. Started understanding how weak I had been all those years blaming everyone and everything else for my faults. Started accepting every failure as a lesson (seeing them as a way to grow and get better, not as an embarrassment). Stopped comparing myself to everyone else and just focused on being the best I could be (stopped obsessing over my teammates and opponents stats). Stopped going out of my way to tell everyone how I was doing and started asking them how they were doing. (if someone want’s to know how I am doing, they can ask but I am not going to volunteer it). Stopped looking for support and started giving support.

My playing career ended after fourteen seasons. A couple years later it led to a coaching career (though I had already been working with youth players for many many years before). This career taught me a whole new set of lessons. The first lesson the game gave me was that as a coach, I CANNOT behave like a player. It took me a whole season to get that out of my system. Once I realized how important this leadership role was to helping these kids all grow as ball players and people, EVERYTHING CHANGED. Every choice, every action, every behavior was now watched. Now emulated. Now a resemblance of my character and leadership.

The Game took a broken teenager and gave him direction. The Game took a selfish young player and showed him responsibility, accountability and how much of a strength selflessness really is. The Game broke me down and drove me to discover perseverance. The Game forced an average professional ball player to really figure out what it takes to become a big leaguer. The Game has blessed me with an avenue to provide for my family with. The Game took a retired player and is now teaching me what Leadership REALLY means every…single…day. The Game has given me Purpose and now provides me with countless opportunities to pass along everything it TAUGHT me.

The Game Fixed Me in more ways than anyone will ever know and THAT is what the Game means to me.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Conditioning…Distance Running

Day 1 = 20-30 minute run
Day 2 = 10-12 poles
Day 3 = 8-10 half pole sprints
Day 4 = 8-10 30 yard sprints
Day 5 = Game

That’s an example of what my generation of starting pitchers would do for conditioning (just the running part) between starts. Boy have times changed! For the last half of my career, I would include sprint work with the distance work on days 1 & 2 simply because I felt I would benefit from it.

Towards the end of my career, we started to see some changes in the approach to distance running and the benefits, or lack of benefits as many argue, pertaining to baseball players and more specifically, pitchers.

When you think about it, if a pitcher were to throw 100 pitches and their delivery took 1-2 seconds to complete from start to release, you’re looking at between 2-3 minutes of combined physical exertion for that athlete. Doesn’t seem like a lot I know, but take my word for it, 100 pitches thrown with max effort and max focus over the course of a 2-3 hour game can be extremely exhausting, especially during a day game in the mid west in August!

With that in mind, this is the reason for a shift in thinking and getting away from distance training and spending more time on quick/short burst training. A starters conditioning routine these days may look something like this…

Day 1 = 10-12 sprint poles
Day 2 = 10-12 60 yard sprints
Day 3 = Agility Work
Day 4 = 8-10 30 yard sprints
Day 5 = Game

As a player, I loved the sprint work and grew to enjoy, and look forward to, those distance days. Maybe the distance work contradicts the explosive fast twitch way of playing the game BUT there is one major thing that was very hard for us former players to get the trainers and strength and conditioning coaches to realize…The mental piece. The time to reflect on our performance. The mental toughness you develop when needing to push through that last 5-10 minutes when you would love to stop. The mental & physical stamina you are developing, very similar to competing and when your tank is starting to run out but your team needs you for another 1-2 innings.

It’s definitely a tough argument were both sides feel very strongly about their beliefs. You have the player side who performed, relied on and saw distance running as a piece to their success and then the other side which never performed for a living but has all the science based research and information to back their side of the argument.

In the end, I think they both should be, and can be, incorporated into weekly conditioning routines. They all have their PHYSICAL & MENTAL benefits. It’s arrogant to ignore either side of the argument. Players who end up playing the game for a long time will end up developing their own routine that they enjoy and works for them.

Conditioning is a part of the game. It’s a part of being a well rounded athlete. Develop, set a routine and make it a habit! Enjoy!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


Truth is, as coaches and teachers, we will most likely never become permanent fixtures in our players and students lives. Some we may meet once while others we may get to spend years in front of but bottom line, we are not permanent.

With that said, we should always be striving to make a permanent impact. We should always be leading by example. We should always have a vision for preparing them for THEIR future. We should ALWAYS be making our decisions based on what will give them the best possible chance for success as they maneuver through life.

Here are a few ways to ensure you leave a positive, and hopefully permanent, impact on those young developing minds looking up at you…

Adversity is, and will always be, a fixture in life. Using this game to help them learn how to handle it is an invaluable lesson that can be worked on nearly every day. They will fail out there. They will have bad days. They will have poor attitudes. Help them learn from these mistakes, how to remain in control when they occur and give them opportunity to redeem themselves. When a child learns to move on from failure in one moment and then recover a moment later and succeed, that’s where exponential growth happens. Help them learn how to believe and be confident when everything around them is telling them to not be.

Be confident, not arrogant. The game is easy for some, especially when they are younger. Confidence often gets so high that when the failure inevitably hits, many of those ultra talented will fail at failure simply because they have never been challenged by it. Praise and rehearse success while always preparing how to mentally handle failure. When we think, and act like, we are bigger than the game, we are doomed. Help them learn from each others victories and each others mistakes. Prepare them as a whole for the ups and downs of this game and life.

Your handshake, how you relate to the umpires, how you react in moments of failure, how you treat them…ALL OF THEM. These are all examples that you will show on a daily basis when around them. They know we are watching them but we must never forget that they are watching us too. At the end of the day a question we should always be asking ourselves is “Did we lead by example?” We strive to develop respectful people and the best way to do that is to be a respectful human being ourselves.

To be trustworthy, reliable and someone others look to for truth. Unfortunately, they will come across many people in their lives who they will come to learn simply say what they think others want to hear so they can get what they desire. Take it upon yourself to help them learn about this. Don’t allow them to give you an answer that you know is not true but is said because they think it’s what you want to hear. Help them stay away from developing this habit. Help them understand what it means to be a person of their word. To keep commitments. To be honest.

Acts of kindness, putting the needs of others first. Finding ways to give back and bringing focus to the team. Teach them to lift one another up, to give their best at all times because that is what their team needs. Never allow selfish behavior and if it persists, it’s time for a break (on the bench) no matter their talent. Great leaders are always looking to create more leaders and great leaders understand the importance of WE and not ME. Selfishness should always be replaced with lessons of Selflessness.

How we handle ourselves. How we dress. How we walk. How we win. How we lose. How we handle adversity. How we talk to them, the officials, their parents and their opponents. Our language and OUR BODY LANGUAGE. Developing quality, and trustworthy, people starts from day one. No matter their age, be the example they will need for long term success. One day they will be a professional at something so find ways to help them create habits that will make that transition a little easier.

This is a game, keep it fun, keep it loose but ALWAYS remember that there are developing minds and bodies standing before us that are learning how to live. Learning how to be an adult. Developing habits that will carry them through life. If you keep this in perspective, you WILL be the example they need.

Just because we may be TEMPORARY, that doesn’t mean we can’t make a positive PERMANENT impact. Every decision and choice we make needs to be forward focused with being an example in mind. Relentless Leadership leads to positive habits.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Sportsmanship is…

– Knowing that the best team doesn’t always win, but the team that plays the best that day, did.
– Knowing that it’s OK to lose, strike out, make an error or get knocked around on the mound (as long as you learn from it).
– Picking up a teammate that had a bad game (or didn’t get in) and sharing a similar past experience.
– Leading by example with quality attitude & effort.
– Giving credit to your teammates for their effort on the field, even when you were a big part of the win.
– Not talking about how good you think you are, but letting your performance prove it.
– When you beat another team and they talk highly of you.
– When umpires and other teams are happy to see you succeed because of the type of person and team(mate) you are.
– Respecting everyone.
– Sincerely shaking hands with the umpires after the game, even when they make mistakes that may have cost your team the game.
– Keeping your composure when you are pitching a no hitter.
– Keeping your composure when you are getting smacked all over the field and walking batters.
– Staying positive when your team is about to lose.
– Showing class regardless of the outcome.
– Jogging around the bases at a good pace when hitting one out of the park.
– Not showing someone up because they make an error or strikeout in a big situation.
– Never making excuses, blaming coaches, teammates, the mound, umpires, the ball, fans, etc, even if it may have been their fault.
– Being sincere while going through the sportsmanship line after the game.
– The joy of competing, not just winning.
– Never complaining.
– Showing compassion when a teammate makes an error and having a mindset of wanting to personally be better and help pick the team up.
– Feeling great after playing well and winning OR losing to a better team 2-1.
– What you can give to your team, not what your team can give to you.
– Respecting your opponents, even when they aren’t showing respect to you and your team, because it’s the right way to act. Be the better person.

It’s NOT poor language, playing dirty, running up the score, disrespecting the umpires, delaying the game on purpose, standing at home plate or walking up the line when smashing a home run, bat flips, staring down the hitter after striking them out, staring down the umpire when you think he made a mistake, yelling at the umpire from the dugout or the stands, yelling at your opponents from the dugout to distract and embarrass them or pouting when you fail but wanting to be everyones friend when you see success.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.