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The Lessons

Take this for what it’s worth to you.

The game (baseball) gave me opportunities most young players will never get to experience. It challenged me in ways I’ll forever be grateful for. It helped develop a side of me I probably wouldn’t have with out it.

After spending a most of my life to this point playing and teaching the “game” I feel I can say with certainty that it really is just a game.

The scoreboard is the focus in the moment but at the end of the day there will always be way more to it than that.
• The lessons from every moment of failure.
• The lessons from learning how to be a great teammate.
• The lessons from learning how important preparation is.
• The lessons from learning how to control your emotions.
• The lessons from learning how to be aware of what’s happening around you.
• The lessons from recognizing personal and team weaknesses.
• The lessons from being able to work with and through physical pain and discomfort.
• The lessons from being humbled CONSTANTLY.
• The lessons of responsibility and accountability.

Getting to play the game is fun but at the end of the day using the game to make us a better more prepared person for life away from the game is WAY bigger than the game.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dear Parents

Dear Parents:

We all know many coaches can be better at how they plan and utilize team practice time. But let’s make sure we are clear about something, your athletes development is not solely on them. In fact, they are just a small piece. To blame them for your athletes lack of production, is a big mistake. Before even second guessing your athletes coaches, answer these questions:

• How much does your athlete really love their sport(s)?
• How much time do they spend on their own daily/weekly practicing their sport(s)?
• What is their attitude like when with their team and things aren’t going well?
• Are they a good teammate?
• How’s their focus?
• Are they able to apply what they are learning (aptitude)?
• Are they in the right situation and level or team for their ability level?
• Are they accountable for their mistakes or do they have a habit of blaming and excuse making?

Parents, YOU are a major part of their development. Great coaches can make a huge difference for players BUT they are temporary. Your expectations must be realistic and understanding the requirements or growth are necessary. Check your athletes habits before anything else. If they are doing their part, be careful of looking elsewhere for reasons before looking at home first.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Reading Batters

There are a few things batters do that often tell us how to get them out. They show their approach and their holes. As pitchers and catchers, when we pay attention and know what to look for, it makes pitch selection a little easier.

1. Position in the box and stride direction. Close to the plate. Far from the plate. Back in the box. Up in the box.

Close to the plate but stride to open. The thought may be if they are close to the plate, it may be easier to get them out with inside pitches but if they stride open, they actually might hit the inside pitches better. That open stride opens up the outer half to get them out even though they started close to the plate. Attack away and go from there.

Stance far from the plate. The initial thought may be we can get them out on the outer half but if they “dive” with their stride towards the plate, their approach is to get to that outer pitch actually making it harder for them to hit the inside pitch. Attack inside and go from there.

Back the box may show they are giving themself more time and space to read the pitch but this can also give your off speed pitches more space to move. Try off speed down in the zone and go from there.

Up in the box may show they are trying to take away space for those off speed pitches to work. Go with the fast one and go from there.

2. Read their foul balls.

If they’re late on your fastball, they’re telling you to stick with the hard one. If they are early on your fastball, pulling it foul, it’s a great time to throw a change up or other off speed next.

3. Aggressive on the first pitch.

Don’t shy away from this. Use it to your advantage. As pitchers we need to learn to embrace their aggressiveness. Attack the bottom of the zone. Try a first pitch off speed down in the zone. If they get a hit, move on and let’s try to get two outs with the next pitch. Use their aggressiveness to our advantage. One pitch outs are great!!

4. Watch for teams that have an approach of taking the first pitch or taking until they get a strike. No need to get fancy or picky, attack middle down. Put them in the hole with the first pitch. Batting averages go down dramatically with first pitch strikes.

5. Runners in scoring position.

Batters have a habit of getting overly aggressive when there are runners in scoring position (2nd and/or 3rd). Be ready for them to swing at the first pitch. Throw your most confident ground ball pitch. Again, don’t be afraid of contact, use it to your advantage.

With all this said, not all of these are applicable to all levels and all players/pitchers. But understanding the game as coaches can help with our ability to teach it and as players, it can help us be smarter better competitors.

Play the game within the game. Talk about the game. Talk about what we are seeing. Coaches, teach the game and empower your players to play the game according to what they are seeing in their opponents.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

I Don’t Care!!

“I don’t care.”

I guarantee some won’t understand this and some will say “You’re wrong!” But here you go. This was part of my growth as an athlete.

I was the same as dang near every youth athlete. I would hold onto mistakes. I would get upset with what I thought were umpires mistakes. I would blame my coaches. I would play scorekeeper in my head when my teammates made errors. When the game was over I would think way more about all of the mistakes everyone else made except my own.

These moments of weakness would turn one walk into two. Turn a bad inning into a bad game. Turn a bad game into a month long slump. And make seasons seem more like a roller coaster than steady progress.

Looking back on it, I had to go through these moments. They were completely necessary to get to where I would eventually get. I had to get knocked down enough times but get back up more. But when I finally snapped out of it and stopped being a weak competitor and teammate, everything changed.

I finally got to that point of “it doesn’t matter!” “I don’t care!” “So what!”

I walked a batter, so what, let’s get the next guy to hit a ground ball. Teammate made an error, so what, let’s get the next guy. The umpire missed a pitch call, oh well, let’s execute the next pitch.

For me, I became a better competitor when I stopped caring. I know that sounds weird and wrong but that’s the best way I can describe it, in the moment I had to not care how we got there to be all in on the next pitch. That was my job.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

WALKS Are The Enemy!


Walks are our enemy!! Sure there may be times later in a game where we might pitch around the batter to set up a DP or force situation but in general they aren’t good. At the end of the day if I’m throwing multiple “ball 4’s” I’m putting myself and my team in unnecessary and unwanted situations. One of our main goals as a pitcher should be to limit them as much as possible. Try focusing on these to help:

• Focus better on mechanics and location during catch play. Throw all your pitch types during catch. If you’re all over the place in catch there’s a great chance you’re all over the place on the mound.

• BREATHE!! Stay relaxed out there. Don’t let the game speed up on you. The situation is what it is. Remain forward focused and be present in the moment. “What’s the goal with this pitch right here, right now?”

• Throw regular weekly bullpens to focus on feel, repeating your delivery and repeating your pitches.

• Avoid “3 ball” counts by being better in 2 ball counts. Have an attitude of ending the at bat right now. Force action. Eliminate walks by eliminating 3 ball counts.

• Every day is different out there. On the days you’re not as sharp as you would like to be, use the bigger part of the plate. Be careful of trying to pitch to the corners when you don’t have that ability that inning or game.

• If your FB command is off, use your other pitches. That’s one reason why we have multiple pitches. Throwing a couple/few in a row can act as a distraction from the negative feelings around our FB in that moment and also act as a reset for our FB release.

• Stop giving the hitters too much credit. Hitting is hard!! Yes, sometimes they will win but on average they won’t more often. Challenge them!

Pitchers, we need to stay away from those walks. Keep learning and figuring out the little things to help you walk less, throw less pitches and stay in the game longer.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Call it What You Want…

It doesn’t matter what you want to call it:

• Travel ball
• Select ball
• Tournament ball
• League ball
• City League ball
• Little League ball

It’s still youth baseball. It’s a hard game being played by kids. That alone is a challenge but then add in adult emotions and intentions of wanting to be “superior” and you have a recipe for disaster. Keep those expectations realistic.

Even though some of these kids have grown quicker than others, were born with different abilities than their peers, they are still kids. They will make mistakes (a lot), struggle with focus, look amazing one second then trip on nothing the next, have poor body language, tear up and do many other things that get under us adults skin.

Yep, they are kids! Funny thing is once upon a time we were them and did the same things, made off the wall comments, had squirrel moments and drove our parents, coaches and teachers crazy. So in reality, we get frustrated with them for the same things we did 🤔.

This is youth baseball. No matter how we want to spin it and give it a title that implies we are better than the others, I would slow down and remember that this phase in their lives is not about us. Not about our experience but all about them, their personal growth as young athletes and people and we are here to help them get the most out of it for as long as they would like to play them game.

In fact, we have an opportunity to enjoy something with them that many of us enjoyed growing up. And for a few of them, their ability will grow into something amazing which will lead to opportunities they dream of.

Grow the game!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

5 Adjustments that Changed the Course of my Career:

1. Pitching inside. In my 7th season, I had a pitching coach (Bob McClure) who spent a lot of time with us (his pitching staff) talking about how to use the inside part of the plate. How it affected hitters. How it opened up the outer half. How it made your other stuff better. Only a few were able to grasp the concept and execute it but for those of us that did, it was a game changer. I’m convinced it’s what gave me another 7 years, a shot at the big leagues and a contract overseas.

2. Accountability. I stopped making excuses. Stopped blaming my teammates. Stopped giving attention to the umpires “missed” calls and started paying closer attention to where I really threw the pitch, how often their “misses” actually helped me and my team and opened my eyes to how their “misses” do even out in the end. I became honest with myself about my personal performance every single time.

3. Cut down on walks. In my career I threw just under 1,600 innings and walked 540 batters. Of those, about 400 came in the first 6 years. The remaining were spread out over the last 8. Maybe a coincidence but those last 8 were by far better than the first 6. I contribute it to a few things. I went from the stretch position only (got rid of the windup), stopped trying to get swing and misses and started forcing contact if they wanted to get on base and as mentioned above, I took control of the inside part of the plate.

4. Started working quick. Less than 10 seconds between pitches. Warm up pitches done in less than 60 seconds. The goal was to complete a 9 inning game in under 2 hours. We were able to do it once. Missed it by a few minutes a handful of times. Most hitters didn’t like the quick tempo but my teammates did, my coaches did and the umpires really did! It helped me get into a rhythm, kept my teammates ready and kept the umpires in a good mood!

5. Gave it a rest. Staying healthy and strong was a must. The long seasons of professional ball can take a toll on anyones body. Over the second half of my career, whenever I was in the starting rotation I wouldn’t pick up a ball the day before or the day after my start. The other two days included a session of long toss and a bullpen each day. If I was a reliever, I would find a day to not pick up a ball. Usually after a 2-3 inning stint the night before. Though some thought I was a little crazy for doing this, it was something I tried and found to keep me healthy and strong from the beginning to the end.

We are all different and it’s up to us to find out what helps us become our best. The above are a few things that helped me reach the top. They wouldn’t work for all and some may see them as “wrong” but that’s okay. Hope some of you do find them helpful.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


I was drafted in 1996 (yes I’m old) and my first manager was Sandy Alomar Sr. I graduated HS that year and three days after graduation I found myself on a plane to rookie ball. At the time I had no idea I was about to embark on a period of my life that would take me and my family all over the country and world. It gave me 14 years as a player and over 1,500 innings pitched. I’ll forever be grateful for not only the baseball experience but the men and leaders the game put in front of me.

The culture I found myself in was about development EVERY SINGLE DAY. The teaching was relentless. From team fundamentals, to PFP’s, to learning new routines to the mental side of the game. Now that I look back on it, I have no doubt it’s the main reason behind my beliefs and direction as a teacher and coach.

That first year of Rookie Ball I experienced a level of development I honestly haven’t seen since. Position players were taught the game and left to play. They put on their own hit and runs, own stolen bases and own sac bunts. They called their own 1st & 3rd defense and bunt plays. As for us pitchers and catchers, it was on us. We would discuss game plan and approach before the game/series and then work together in game and between innings. Of course they were there as coaches to give feedback and teach as the games went on and looking back on it, what an amazing way to teach the game. So fun!!

Now this wasn’t the approach of every coach I had in pro ball but from a pitcher and catcher standpoint, running the game was our job every game at every level. Building game awareness, game IQ and self confidence was the goal.

As the years went on, and our competition got better, so did we. We had to if we wanted to last. We had to find ways to get the upper hand. The mental and strategic side of the game was the easiest way to be different since at that level EVERYONE has the physical abilities.

I’m a believer in teaching the game, letting them play, learning from the game, letting them play (yes I meant to write that again!) and being the teacher and leader they need.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

From Athlete to Parenthood:

Once upon a time my life revolved around a baseball for a few months, then a football for a few months and then a basketball for a few. Then there was a local public swimming pool for the remaining few. Mix in some yard work, riding bikes, finding some pond to fish in or creek to catch some crawdads to take up the rest of the time. The outside was our distraction. I’m 46 and just like others around my age, this was the story of our youth.

I loved playing sports (still do) and my father was my biggest supporter. Whatever the sport was, he was my teacher (did it the best he could). My fondest memories are from time spent together in our backyard hitting on the tee and practicing pitching. I can still see clearly the strike zone he built out of a sheet of plywood with a zone cut out and a piece of old carpet hanging behind to stop the strikes thrown. He would keep tally of total pitches thrown and total strikes thrown to give us a strike percentage. I also have strong memories of our time at the local school field and him throwing batting practice and hours of playing pepper. Like many, he is a big reason for instilling a love for the game and helping me improve.

The other day I was looking for something and opened a box which was filled with memorabilia. Newspaper clippings (yep, we are old) from when I played in Taiwan and Japan, lanyards from the AAA All Star game I got to play in, baseball cards, etc. The kind of stuff you forget about but when you find it, it gives you good memories to reminisce on. The game has given me plenty of memories that I’ll forever be grateful for.

After a couple minutes of thumbing through some of it, I boxed it up and put it back. While stuffing it away to collect some more dust it dawned on me that my kids have never seen that stuff (and that’s okay). We have three children, 21, 19 and soon to be 16 and the older two were just little ones at the end of my career. They got to see Dad play a little but they were too young for those memories to stick. To them I am just “Dad” and that’s exactly how I want it.

I’ve learned those personal accomplishments I had in the game unfortunately carry no weight when it comes to being a parent. All those promotions, wins, trophies, rings, article clippings, baseball cards and stats literally mean nothing in comparison to raising children. With that said though, many of the mental and character skills I had to learn as an athlete without a doubt have had carryover.

Parenting can be one of the toughest and most rewarding jobs there is in life. At least that’s how I feel about it. With two young adult boys and a daughter working her way towards being a young adult, the process of one phase to the next is a constant learning process for not only them but for us as their parents.

The game not only gives us memories but can help prepare us for things in life much more important.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Arm Care

The term “Arm Care” is thrown around as if it’s a simple thing. Do some band exercises and you should be good!! Truth is it’s a very loaded term and deserves a much much deeper explanation and plan. If you’re serious about the game, pitching, your teams arms, then it’s time to get serious about all of it.


• Understanding and developing proper throwing/pitching mechanics.
• Pre season throwing plan.
• Pre season/early season pitch count progression.
• Total body strength.
• Nutrition
• Weekly between game throwing routines.
• Listening to your arm.
• Knowing your body.
• Not pitching with a lower body injury.
• Post throwing arm maintenance/recovery routine.
• Knowing what an arm is conditioned for, aka, how many pitches is an arm ready to throw that day.
• Knowing what signs of fatigue look like and how to diagnose what a sore arm is.
• Not rushing back into competitive throwing after an arm injury.
• Weekly bullpens to get better with command and stuff to be able to compete better which means throwing more strikes which means most likely throwing less pitches per inning.
• Being mentally tougher which again means being a better competitor which means being able to get more outs with less pitches.

Band work is good but there is WAY more to it. We have a whole page here on our site dedicated to this topic. Check out our “Save Our Arms” page.

**Side note, those bands sitting at the bottom of your bag aren’t helping.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Tee Ball

One of my favorite drills/games to have the players play. It’s always funny to hear the groans and comments from the first timers. Interesting to hear kids say “tee’s are for little kids!” Haha! But when we explain how the game will go, boy do their eyes light up!!

I know some out there have their own versions of this but here’s how we’ve done it:
• Depending on the number of players, break them up into 2, 3 or even 4 teams.
• Each inning or team rotate, players need to go to a different position.
• Each play starts with the pitcher. Pitcher makes sure everyone is ready, goes through delivery throwing an imaginary pitch (ball is on a tee at home plate) and the hitter tracks it and swings to hit the ball. **Very important to not let the hitter hit until this happens. Have seen kids hit the ball when defense wasn’t ready. Safety first!
• Play it live from there.
• Play straight up or force situations.
• We’ve played no steals unless it’s a hit and run with the hitter trying to hit the ball to the right side.
• Hitters work on proper tee placement based on where they want to hit it (have a coach at home plate asking them what the goal is).
• Baserunners always working on good primary and secondary leads, aggressive turns, thinking two out of the box on ball to outfield, going 1st to 3rd or 2nd to home.
• Pitchers working PFP and backing up.
• For older players, have the pitchers work in pick off moves (obviously without a baseball) which will give the runners practice on reading the pitcher.
• Etc. Etc.

Kids love it! It’s fast paced and you can cover a lot in an hour. Have fun out there!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Mechanics vs Approach

Strong competitors are solid with both but what’s the balance? Is one more important than the other? When do you work on mechanics? When do we talk and teach approach?

In my opinion and experience both should be a constant focus but we see it time and time again, athletes who are great with their body movements but struggle with competition. Even though they may be hearing and learning about the head game, in the heat of the moment emotions push approach out the window leading to trying to compete via anger, embarrassment, fear and over aggression.

For many involved in the game, athletes and adults, when the desired results aren’t showing, we immediately go to mechanics when in reality more often than not the fix is between the ears.

As athletes we need to be able to compete relaxed. That’s when most of us will be at our best physically and be able to organize ourselves mentally. The difficult part are the distractions for the immature athletes. Who’s watching, what are they thinking, teammates voices, opponents voices, parents voices and coaches voices.

For those not there yet, these uncontrollable’s take them off their game and put them in a place of anxiety and insecurity leading to a loss of approach and proper visualization.

While we prepare ourselves, our players and our children to be great physically we need to understand the importance of mindset and approach just as much as we have taught ourselves about mechanical side of the game. There needs to be a constant focus on it. We need to be aware of how our attitudes as adults affects this part of their game, good or bad.

Players, keep training to get the most out of your body but to play this game long term, you better learn to be one of the mentally toughest, mentally prepared, smartest and grittiest players on the field at all times.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


Let’s talk leadership for a few minutes. What is it? What does it mean?? What does it look like??? Why is it so important????

In my words…

Leadership is the act of leading others. Someone who others look to for direction, advice, guidance, encouragement, support and an example of how to behave, work, focus and relate to others. Leadership is the foundation a group is built around. The quality of leadership will be seen in those around it.

The best leaders we will ever come across take their opportunity seriously. They understand the impact they can have. They know when to be loose and when it’s time to be serious. They carry themselves in a way that garners respect and trust. Their moral integrity is unbreakable, they are firm in their beliefs, they can’t be bought, they don’t get caught up in nonsense and they stay the course.

Think of any adjective used to describe someone who is highly respected and you will see a list of words that show why they make such a difference. This will lead to those looking to them start to emulate their behaviors. A team, organization, town, city, state, country, world full of people of integrity with an innate ability to lead we will see people come together, work together and fight evil together.

Leadership IS the difference maker. It’s why when teams, businesses, cities, states and countries start to fall apart and can’t seem to recover you see leadership changes. Many try hard to be good leaders but not everyone is meant to do it well. Weaknesses within lead to poor judgement, poor choices and consistent mistakes they can’t seem to recover from.

Leadership starts at home. This is where many attributes in a person start. From there we come across “leaders” in many areas of our lives. Our character is formed as we grow and experience life. Beliefs may change as the years go on but leadership is leadership. It’s a vital piece to unity.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Play Free!

We need to be so confident in our abilities that when we do make a mistake, have a tough day, fall into a little slump, we trust that it’s temporary. We know without a doubt we will work through it and come out better because of that adversity.

Playing free is not caring who is watching because you know you’re giving your best but that doesn’t always mean you’re going to be the best. Your level of focus, purpose and intent will allow you to keep getting better.

Playing free means you don’t panic or lose yourself when things become uncomfortable and don’t go your way. You stay the course and keep moving forward with the situation at hand.

Playing free is playing with a level of confidence that no one can beat you but in reality you know in the back of your mind that doesn’t always happen. But that confidence allows you to get back up with the same level of belief.

Playing free is knowing yourself, your body, your mechanics so well that when somethings off, you feel it instantly and know how to fix it. You’re careful to not over think and be too analytical though.

Playing free is what we want our players to play like. We want them to trust themselves, be aggressive and play like no one can beat them. For this to happen they need to know we believe in them and that we want them to play like they are unbeatable!!

Play FREE young ballers!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dugout Culture

• Position players, study the opposing pitchers. Look for patterns in pitch selection. Tells in their delivery. How they handle hold times and pick off moves with runners on. See if they pay attention to the runner on third.

• Pitchers, study the opposing hitters. Are they on time with the load phase of their swing. What do they chase with two strikes. Do they swing first pitch. Does their approach change with runner on vs no runner on. Are they a base stealer.

• Position players, pick up your teammates. Know where everyones hat and glove is and when they are the last out of the inning someone be ready to take their stuff to them (unless they are the catcher).

• Coaches, they are watching. Your body language, your energy, your support. Establish a culture of responsibility and accountability. Be the example of what you preach.

• Pitchers, if there is a long inning (with your team batting) make sure to keep your body moving. With two outs do some band work, arm circles or maybe even go to the bullpen to play a little catch. Keep that arm loose.

• Catchers, unless you were at bat, on base or on deck, make sure you are ready to go when that third out is made. Team, if your catcher needs to get their gear on, make sure some is ready to go out and warm up the pitcher.

• All Players, talk baseball. There is plenty of time away from the field to goof off. Create an atmosphere of supporting one another. Watching the game together. Cheer your teammates on but be careful letting your “cheers” be the only thing you’re thinking about. The dugout is a place to prepare for your next opportunity.

• Everyone, bust your butt to your position. NO WALKING out to your position!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.