Take this for what it’s worth to you.
The game (baseball) gave me opportunities most young players will never get to experience. It challenged me in ways I’ll forever be grateful for. It helped develop a side of me I probably wouldn’t have with out it.
After spending a most of my life to this point playing and teaching the “game” I feel I can say with certainty that it really is just a game.
The scoreboard is the focus in the moment but at the end of the day there will always be way more to it than that.
• The lessons from every moment of failure.
• The lessons from learning how to be a great teammate.
• The lessons from learning how important preparation is.
• The lessons from learning how to control your emotions.
• The lessons from learning how to be aware of what’s happening around you.
• The lessons from recognizing personal and team weaknesses.
• The lessons from being able to work with and through physical pain and discomfort.
• The lessons from being humbled CONSTANTLY.
• The lessons of responsibility and accountability.
Getting to play the game is fun but at the end of the day using the game to make us a better more prepared person for life away from the game is WAY bigger than the game.