
Let’s talk leadership for a few minutes. What is it? What does it mean?? What does it look like??? Why is it so important????

In my words…

Leadership is the act of leading others. Someone who others look to for direction, advice, guidance, encouragement, support and an example of how to behave, work, focus and relate to others. Leadership is the foundation a group is built around. The quality of leadership will be seen in those around it.

The best leaders we will ever come across take their opportunity seriously. They understand the impact they can have. They know when to be loose and when it’s time to be serious. They carry themselves in a way that garners respect and trust. Their moral integrity is unbreakable, they are firm in their beliefs, they can’t be bought, they don’t get caught up in nonsense and they stay the course.

Think of any adjective used to describe someone who is highly respected and you will see a list of words that show why they make such a difference. This will lead to those looking to them start to emulate their behaviors. A team, organization, town, city, state, country, world full of people of integrity with an innate ability to lead we will see people come together, work together and fight evil together.

Leadership IS the difference maker. It’s why when teams, businesses, cities, states and countries start to fall apart and can’t seem to recover you see leadership changes. Many try hard to be good leaders but not everyone is meant to do it well. Weaknesses within lead to poor judgement, poor choices and consistent mistakes they can’t seem to recover from.

Leadership starts at home. This is where many attributes in a person start. From there we come across “leaders” in many areas of our lives. Our character is formed as we grow and experience life. Beliefs may change as the years go on but leadership is leadership. It’s a vital piece to unity.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.