Certain Truths…

img_9279There are some things in Life and Baseball you simply can’t argue…

– You won’t grow if you are always talking.
– Development will not happen without opportunity.
– Velocity will only get you so far.
– You can’t teach experience.
– Playing and coaching are two very different things.
– Parenting IS the toughest job in the world.
– Peak athleticism is temporary, character is forever.
– Missed calls will always even out in the end.
– There’s a difference between a “Throwing Coach” and a “Pitching Coach.”
– There’s a difference between a “Swing Coach” and a “Hitting Coach.”
– There’s a difference between a “Manager” and a “Coach.”
– Entitlement in children is instilled by the adults in their lives.
– Overuse injuries in children are result of the adults choices.
– Academics ARE more important than sports.
– All it takes is one coach to take the love of the game away from a child.
– All it takes is one coach to help the love of the game grow in a child.
– The mentally weak have a habit of making excuses.
– The mentally tough have a habit of accountability.
– For long term fulfillment, give more than you receive.
– Winning 3 of 4 games is a great achievement, not a failure.
– Never a failure, always a lesson.
– It’s easy to take generosity for granted but the truly grateful will always show their gratitude.
– Everyone starts with trust from on another, but it’s your attitude and your choices which will either see that trust build or fade away.
– Being coachable and open minded is one of the best traits a person/athlete can possess.
– Being un-coachable and closed minded is one of the worst traits a person/athlete can possess and means you will have less to give.
– Strong physically but weak mentally equals limited success.
– Those who read are those who seek information and are those who will have more to give and offer.
– Confidence in children can either be built up or broken down by the words and actions of the adults.
– Greed and Ego are major issues in youth sports.
– Mistakes made as a young person are inevitable but not the end of the world. They make for great learning experiences and character building moments.
– In the end, it’s about the impact you had on others.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.