Archive for Pitching – Page 3

Pitchers: Throw Strikes!

Pitching 101

What’s your mindset? When you throw a pitch, is your focus on the catcher, or is your focus on a spot inside his glove? Are you just throwing a breaking ball in an 0-2 count, or are you trying to bury it in the dirt behind the plate? Are you throwing a fastball away, or are you visualizing yourself throwing it at the knees on the corner?

Fine tune your focus. Challenge yourself to see how many times you can hit the glove and execute pitches. If your focus in on an “area”, then that’s what you are going to see, a pitch to an area. You need to be better than that. Your job is to hit “spots”. There’s a big difference.

Remember though, to hit spots consistently, you need to be able to repeat your delivery. Your struggles with this will be reflected in your low strike percentage and your high walk ratio. Tighten up that delivery, learn right from wrong and command the Baseball.

The pitchers that win the most pitches, are the pitchers whose team can rely on them the most.

Throw strikes Dudes!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Calling Pitches

IMG_5939We talk a lot about helping the players develop game awareness. This is a big.

Let me remind you that this is THEIR game. Teach them to think.

Pay attention to what the hitter is doing in the box…
– Is he far off the plate?
– Where is his stride foot going?
– Is he late or early?
– What is his pitcher doing well with and not so well with…
– Is he yanking everything off the plate?
– Is he missing arm side (3rd base side for righties and 1st base side for lefties)?
– Is he commanding his change up well?
– Is he getting his fastball in well on right hand hitters but not lefties?
– What the situation is and what we want the hitter to do…
– Is there a runner on 2B and we want the hitter to hit the ball to the left side so the runner doesn’t advance?
– Is there a runner on 3B with less than two outs and we want a strikeout?
– Is there a base open and we want to be careful with the guy in the box as we don’t want him, their best hitter, to beat us?

This is Baseball. This is developing a smart player. When coaches call every pitch, and don’t teach from what they are calling, all they are doing is creating a robot. It was always disappointing to me when we would draft a new pitcher or catcher and would find out that they have never been allowed to call their own pitches. Instantly, they were so far behind. So much to learn.

Coaches…Let loose of the reins. Let them think. Let them learn. Coach’me up!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Young Power Arms

IMG_7223I want to make you aware of some certain truths about your dreams, goals and your future.

Truth…Your god given talent of velocity may very well open some doors for you. Possibly a college scholarship and maybe even your name being called at a MLB Free Agent Draft one day.

Reality…This is just the first step. Assuming you have the end goal of being a big leaguer, understand that to be able to achieve this dream, you must be able to command that power. You must be able to dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s”. The higher you go in this game, the better the hitters get and they will turn 95 around like it’s batting practice when you leave it up and over the plate. Also realize that mid-thigh IS up! You must be able to command that fastball, command multiple off speed pitches, be able to pitch inside, change eye levels, pitch to contact, command multiple put away pitches, have situational game awareness, notice hitters tendencies, to just name a few.

When you possess 90+ as an amateur, you feel invincible out there. Very few are confident against you when they step in the box. You are on top of the world. As an older player, you will need this confidence to make it. Don’t ever forget how to believe in yourself. I say this because at some point, if you have never truly understood the concept of “Pitching” and have seen success solely on “Throwing”, reality will jump up and bite you. You will be humbled as you failed to study the craft of “Pitching” and now the hitters are letting you know how good of a “Pitcher” you really are.

So my strong suggestion to you as a “Young Power Arm” is that you not only focus on what the radar gun says, you also focus on learning to be a “Pitcher”. It’s NEVER too early to learn your craft.

Raw talent may get you in the door but only developed skill will elevate you to the top.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Baseball Weekend

With the 3 day holiday weekend approaching (Memorial Day Weekend), there is a lot of baseball that’s going to be played across the nation.

I’m going to be honest, it makes me nervous. I’m concerned for all of the young pitchers and catchers out there.

Coaches, follow pitch counts, not inning limits. If they’re not a teenager, DON’T pitch them back to back days. Even though our chart here says it’s ok for 11-12 year olds to if they throw less than 15, if it’s not 100% necessary, don’t do it. Think about all of the other throws they are going to be making this weekend.

DON’T forget about those catcher too. For every pitch made, that’s a throw back to the pitcher and that’s another squat. No player should pitch and catch in the same day once they pitch or catch more than 30-40 pitches. And to be on the safer side, just stay away from the combo in the same day all together. Again, these choices are for their future.

DON’T pull a pitcher just because you take an early lead so you can save him for another game. If he’s the starter, use him. Let them reach their pitch count (whatever they are conditioned for), tell them great job, and use your other pitchers for the rest of the weekends innings. STOP making foolish decisions, that aren’t what’s best for the kids, just because you want to win some “big” tournament. And don’t ask the kid if he thinks he can pitch again, of course he’s going to say yes. Don’t ask the parents either if he can throw again, you are putting them in an uncomfortable spot. Man up and make some morally right decisions.

So many kids are going to get overused this weekend. Parents who follow us and read our words, LISTEN, it’s not worth it. Pay attention, be observant, know right from wrong and if you see something foolish happening, DON’T let it.

Their future is SO much more important.

Click here to view and download our pitch count chart

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dead Arm

3872583153_189428c2c3I first experienced “Dead Arm” as a young professional. It’s painful. It’s annoying. If it gets bad enough, it feels like your arm will break at any moment with each throw. It can even wake you up at night. It’s not fun!!

“Dead Arm” is a fancy word for “Fatigue.” It seems it hits most players in a few different areas. The biceps muscle, the triceps muscle, the posterior side of your upper arm and bicep tendonitis is also a sign of fatigue.

With the first three, you will experience a dull ache, not a sharp pain. The area feels very tight. With the tendonitis, you will experience a sharp pain in the front of your shoulder when your arm is laid back and as it comes forward to throw. Think “External Rotation”.

These all happen when your arm isn’t ready for what you are doing to it, in other words, when it’s not in shape or conditioned for the number of throws you are making or made or for the amount of effort or intent you are throwing with or your delivery (pitching/throwing mechanics) are inefficient causing more strain on your arm. Point blank, your arm isn’t in shape for what you are demanding from it. Here are a few examples that may lead to “Dead Arm”…

– An easy week of Baseball, maybe 2 days of easy catch, and then a busy week filled with multiple practices and games which equals a lot of throws and competitive throws, often too many for what your arm is conditioned for.
– Going from being a one to two inning guy, 15-30 pitches, to all of the sudden throwing multiple innings with an extreme number of pitches compared to what your arm is used to.
– Not pitching in game situations for a week or two and then going out and being pushed to a max pitch count, 60/70/80/90 pitches. You will have felt great in the game and most likely the few days after but when it, “Dead Arm”, comes, understand it’s most likely because of what you put it through the week prior.
– Finishing a school ball season, taking a week or two off to “recover”, and then jumping right back into long practices and games. Ouch! This happens all too often. Understand that all it takes is 3-4 days of no throwing for a pitchers arm to loose stamina, for a pitcher to loose feel for their delivery and feel of their release point.
– Poor mechanics that cause a pitcher to try and create velocity with their arm. Velocity is a byproduct of power, momentum and torque created from proper use of the body.

This can all be managed with…
– A good arm care routine on throwing days.
– Taking a day off from throwing a baseball once or twice a week.
– Following a pre season throwing program leading up to the season so you are built up and ready to throw 45-60 pitches your first outing.
– Not completely shutting it down between school ball and summer ball.
– Keeping your delivery on point where you are using your body to create power and not using your arm to generate velocity.
– Throwing regular weekly bullpens in a competitive manner, in other words, as close to game speed as possible.
– A continual focus on how your body moves while throwing the ball.

With a little bit of rest, you can see the symptoms go away within a week or two.

If you are a parent and coach who did not pitch as a player, it may be hard to really understand this. Please take this information seriously as pitching is hard enough as it is, let alone doing it with this sort of ailment. Take care of those arms. Make decisions based on what’s best for the player and their safety and health. Make sure they are throwing regular bullpens and make sure they are utilizing some sort of arm care routine.


Respect those arms Players, Parents & Coaches!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Conditioning a Pitcher’s Arm

2015-04-23 06.49.31What does it mean to “Condition” an arm and why is it important?

Conditioning an arm means to get it in shape. This takes, at minimum, a month (I recommend 2-3 months) of a regimented throwing program. You can compare this to a marathon runner training for that 26.2 mile run. If they were to go out and try to do the whole run on day one, they will fatigue quickly, have a hard time finishing the race and put themselves at risk for injury. They need to work up to that type of distance, which takes weeks, to be completely prepared and ready to run a strong race of that length.

Now, think about our pitchers. Throwing bullpens leading up to the season is a must. This is how we get comfortable with our deliveries, fine tune our command, get feel for our changeups and tighten up our breaking balls.

With that said, just because a pitcher has been throwing regular bullpens, 30-40 pitches, does not mean they are ready for 60-80 pitches their first game out. They NEED to be built up to this type of number. This can be done before the regular season games start with throwing simulated innings (throw their pregame routine, rest, get back up and throw their warmup pitches followed by simulating three outs and repeat this to build up stamina and strength) AFTER their bullpens or if they have not done that, they need to build up their pitch count over the course of games pitched. For example…

Game 1 = 2 innings or 30 pitches
Proper days rest!
Game 2 = 3 innings or 45 pitches
Proper days rest!
Game 3 = 4 innings or 60 pitches
Proper days rest!
Game 4 = 5 innings or 75 pitches
Proper days rest!

Sending a pitcher out there, whether he is 9 or 29, and throwing them 60+ pitches for their first outing of the season without being properly conditioned, is setting that pitcher up for failure and an injury. Fatigue will instantly set in and with fatigue comes a higher risk of injury.

Another common issue is when pitchers have an extended period of time between games pitched. The arm loses stamina very quickly and when pitch counts aren’t maintained week after week, that game a pitcher had 3 weeks ago where he threw 80 pitches, means nothing today when deciding how many pitches to allow them to throw. He most likely will be good, arm health wise, for 30-40 pitches.

Let’s also be clear that all pitchers need proper warmup in the bullpen before they go into a game to pitch. They should have a 20-30 pitch routine they like to do that will help them be prepared for battle! I know sometimes, this is not possible in youth baseball as you may only have enough players to field a team, but if you do have enough players, have the pitcher you plan on using next, on the bench ready to warm up if the situation presents itself.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


IMG_5424There are plenty of different Change Up grips to try/use.

• Comfort.
• Maintain normal tempo of delivery.
• You MUST have the same arm speed with it as you do with your fastball.
• Throw it enough times in catch and in games to where you have just as much confidence in it as you do your fastball.

The grip in the pic is the grip I have found that feels the most comfortable to many and has proven to be the easiest to command. Think fastball with your middle and ring fingers. With that, it doesn’t work for everyone. Find a grip that works. Stick with it even if you have an off day with it.

Force reps in game situations with it. The only way to build confidence with it is to throw it to live batters.
The biggest issue I see is young pitchers chocking their CH grip too deep in their palm. This makes it tough for most to command. It should rest at the base of your fingers. Think about where your hand would callus up with a lot of hitting. Notice this in the pics.

Myth…The thumb does not need to be on the side of the baseball like many believe. While this may take some additional speed off, it can make it very tough to command. It’s OK to have your thumb directly underneath, as you see where my thumb is in the pics.

If the grip isn’t taking enough speed off, there are things you can do with your lower body to help take speed off.

• Less back leg drive.
• Drag longer.
• Think to leave your foot on the rubber as long as possible.
• Fall instead of drive with the lower half.

Though more advanced, I have seen all of these help different pitchers. Find which one works best for you, or your pitcher(s).

Hope this helps some of you. Throw that Change Up!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Pitch Counts

Pitch Counts
If you decide to take some time to look over this, let me explain why this is so important to me.

First, YES, I am on the conservative side. Why? Because young baseball players these days play twice, if not three times, as many games as we did back in the 80’s and 90’s.

Second, baseball is, and has been, my life and career, especially pitching, for the last 20 years. After pitching over 1,500 professional innings and then coaching it for three seasons, I feel I have a good understanding and feel for what it takes, both physically and mentally, to survive long term.

You can take my opinion for what it’s worth. I don’t care about hearing about youth programs win-loss records nor does it matter to me how many tournaments they have won or where they rank on some national ranking list. I want to know how they are taking care of their players. How they are developing them. How they are preparing them for High School baseball. How are they teaching them the mental game and how are they at developing character.

When I first broke into professional baseball in the late 90’s, it was a big thing when someone went down with a major arm injury. As it moved on into the 2000’s, it started to become more and more wide spread. Flash forward to 2012-2014 when I was coaching, I was blown away at the number of players we drafted who already had a zipper on their elbow (Tommy John Surgery Scar).

For some reason, many seem to ignore the facts and truth, that this is all a direct cause of year round baseball, competitive pitching in the winter months when they should be resting or building up for the upcoming season, too much baseball over a 2-3 days span in some tournament, pitching without proper rest, pitching too many pitches when their arm is not conditioned for it, pitching too many pitches with poor mechanics, etc.

I understand that there are not many real pitching coaches out there. And to add to that, most coaches were not pitchers themselves growing up, so the true understanding of what it takes to throw strikes, what it feels like to battle through a long inning, what dead arm (fatigue) feels like, what proper mechanics look like and how to teach them, how to handle a pitching staff and what they need to be rested and ready for their next outing, the knowledge and experience is just not there.

The good ones will go out of their way to seek information. They will have a desire to educate themselves because they know how important that position that sits in the middle of the field on a small mountain, really is.

Bottom line, what you see on this document, is all about the kids. It is a real issue, so big that even MLB has put out their stance on it. Parents, you have to take matters into your hands if your Dude is not being handled correctly. For the sake of your kids health and development, you HAVE to find the right coach(es) and program. They get one shot at living out their dream as far as their talent will take them. You don’t want it to be an injury of over usage that puts an end to it.

**See these numbers as a guideline. You need to have “feel” for the moment. What are stressful pitches and what are efficient pitches. A pitchers ability, stamina and mental toughness should all play a factor in how they are dealt with in game action.

Click here to view, download and print the PDF file of our Pitch Count Chart

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Game Tempo Killers

IMG_9870Tempo may also be referred to as “Pace” or “Speed” of the game. “Tempo” is controlled by the pitcher and catcher. Working quick may be the number one way to make a hitter uncomfortable, put the advantage in the pitchers hands and keep the flow of the game moving which also greatly benefits the focus of our defenders on the field. This can be judged by the amount of time between innings and pitches. At the professional level, we would shoot for 8-12 seconds from the release of one pitch to the release of the next. Obviously, this will be different when the ball is put in play, a mound visit is taken, etc.

Hitters HATE to feel rushed. They want time to go through their routine. They want time to get comfortable in the box. Some can act as a human rain delay (just as some pitchers can act). Hitters hate nothing more than to get in the box, look up at the pitcher and see him already in the set position or already starting their delivery.

If a hitter has to call time out because of this, pitchers should take pride in that. You are doing and important part of your job by making him uncomfortable without even throwing a pitch! And if they have to do it multiple times, bingo…You are swimming in their head now. They are losing their focus. When they lose their focus, they lose their approach. When they lose their approach, the pitcher will win nearly every time.

When pitchers are taught this concept, taught this part of the mental game, it doesn’t matter their talent level, they will have an advantage and be able to take control of a game.

With that said, there are some coaching tactics and things young ball players simply aren’t being taught that can put the kibosh to the Tempo of a game in a matter of seconds…

1) Micro-managing during every pitch of the game. The whole team has to look in the dugout to see where to move, what pick off move to put on, what pitch to call. TEMPO KILLER

2) The pitcher and catcher not being on the same page. The catcher doesn’t know what the pitcher likes to throw in certain counts, thus the pitcher is constantly shaking off the catchers suggestion. Pitchers, put some faith in your catchers and remember that any pitch in any count can be effective as long as you execute it. Catchers, take time to talk to your pitchers and see what they like to do. Boys, we need to communicate better before the game and in-between innings. TEMPO KILLER

3) Pitchers walking around the mound between every pitch (sometimes necessary though to clear your head). TEMPO KILLER

4) Pitchers walking half way to home plate, after they throw a pitch, to catch the ball from the catcher and then having to walk, or jog, all the way back to the rubber. Personally, I have witnessed this being done and being taught more often than it should be, which is NEVER! The common reason for this is to protect the catchers arm or make a shorter throw for the catcher. Wrong reason guys. If the catcher has a hard time throwing the ball to the mound, then it’s our job to teach them how to throw properly. TEMPO KILLER

**After a pitcher throws a pitch, ideally, they are back peddling back up the mound and are on, or within one step from being back on, the rubber ready to get the next sign. This is pitching boys. This is how we take control of the game. This is how the best go about their business. This is what position players LOVE to play behind.

5) At the youngest of ages, Tempo proves to be a constant struggle. Finding kids that are fearless behind the plate and who have a sense of urgency to keep the ball in front and to go get it QUICKLY when it gets past them, is often hard to find AND hard to develop. We must take time to really give our young backstops a lot of attention on receiving, blocking and retrieving passed balls and wild pitches. If we fail to recognize the importance of this…TEMPO KILLER

Pitchers and Catchers…Have a plan. Be on the same page. Work quick. Be the first ones on the field after the third out is made. Jog to your positions. Get your warm up pitches done in a quick manner. Make it a point to make the hitter uncomfortable. Take pride in them needing to call timeout. Take pride in the other teams players and coaches getting frustrated with this. Don’t back down. This is YOUR game, OWN IT!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


2015-04-03 07.06.07Any player can fall into a slump at any given time. No matter how good they are, at some point, it will happen.

Self evaluation is key. Mental toughness is key. Perseverance is key. You need to be able to think about what it, physically and mentally, was like when things were going good. You need to be able to stay positive and visualize those great days. And you need to keep pushing. Trust the process as you can learn more from a slump than a 4 for 4 day or 7 shutout innings.

Slumps expose your weaknesses. Yes, you have weaknesses. The better you are at the things stated above, the shorter and shorter the slumps will last.

Remember this too. When a slump hits, it doesn’t mean you have to recreate your swing or delivery. Find some video. Find some pictures. Get back to what it was like when things were right. Easier said than done sometimes, but don’t get too technical. More often than not, you need a mental adjustment. You need to believe. You need more positive thoughts. You need a plan, even if that plan is to have a clear mind. The mind is a powerful thing. It can make you or it can break you.

Trust the process and learn everyday. Be Humble as those with a humble mentality seem to handle this type of adversity much better than those who think they have it all figured out.

Go get’em!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Pitch Smart

DSC_0008Parents and Coaches…

I URGE you to take some time to read through the website “PITCH SMART” by MLB. Youth Baseball is in a time of weekly tournaments (4-6 games in a 2-3 day period). These tournaments are an amazing opportunity for hitters to get in a ton or reps in a short period but CAN be (with poor coaching decisions) the worst possible situation for pitchers to be in. Pitching in multiple games in the same day. Pitching on back to back days even after throwing 20+ pitches on the first day. Exceeding a proper number of pitches in a game because you feel the need to save your other pitchers for a later game. Having a pitcher pitch through fatigue. And let’s not forget about the catchers!!

If your team doesn’t have enough pitchers to cover all of the innings that your squad may play, then you should not be playing in that tournament. Once again, these type of decisions come down to what’s right for that player. What’s best for his future. You can’t preach development and then make decisions that put your players at an elevated risk of injury because of your drive to make it to the championship game. PLEASE take a moment and think about what’s best for the players.

Coaches, thank you for all you do and always remember that these kids development and future is in your hands when they are on your roster. The words you use, the choices you make and the manner in which you carry yourself can make a bigger impact on their future than you may realize. Take pride in what you do and don’t ever forget that this game is 100% about them.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

The Swing vs. The Delivery

2015-03-18 09.55.47Both draw power from the lower half. Both need direction towards their target; Pitcher striding towards the catcher and the Hitter striding towards the Pitcher. Both use the hips to generate torque for the upper half to come through. Both need the upper half to stay closed as long as possible (until the stride foot hits the ground) for your upper half to come through with the most whip possible. They are both very similar to one another.

Use video analysis to see where their body position is at front foot contact. In the swing, nothing should start to the ball until their stride foot make contact with the ground, just as in the pitching delivery, the upper half should be in a closed, front arm up at shoulder height and ready to fire, position when their stride foot hits the ground.

Players starting with their upper half too soon is a very common problem in hitters and pitchers. When we do this, we are giving up power and using too much upper body too soon to throw or hit the ball. With a pitcher especially, this puts unnecessary stress on their arm.

Help your players learn to be in a powerful position when their stride foot hits the ground. If they start their upper half towards the plate, or ball, too soon, help them learn to keep it closed longer. Have a hitter stride, hold it for a second, to make sure they are in a strong position before they swing. Have a pitcher get to his stride and freeze at front foot contact to see where their upper body is and where we want it to be. This is a simple drill for them to feel that power position.

Hope some find this helpful as this is one of the most common mistakes I see young players making.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Don’t Let The Game Speed Up On You

2015-04-16 11.11.33As a young player, I have no idea how many times this happened to me. I do know, though, that it was more than I would have liked. But to this day, all those moments have helped mold me into the parent and coach that I strive to be today.

I was working with one of my college students the other day. His mound work started off good but as the session went on, he started to battle his command. When I have worked with a player for a period of time, and I have come to know them emotionally and see where their strengths and weaknesses are, I will give them a chance to to work through these moments on their own. The worst thing a coach can do is say something to a pitcher between every pitch. Trust me, been there, experienced that. No bueno!

As the miss fires kept coming, you could see him getting more and more frustrated. With that frustration came a lose of focus which, in a game situation, would lead to disaster. After about 10-15 in a row, I finally stepped in and helped him realize what was going on. Physically, mechanically, nothing was wrong. What was wrong was what he was allowing to happen between his ears. He was throwing pitches while still focusing on what happened with his last pitch. He was trying to force command instead of trusting in his ability and letting his natural talent take over. It had had “Sped Up On Him”.

When this happens, we lose all rational thought. We are letting the situation control us instead of us controlling the situation. We swing at pitches out of the zone because we have no plan. We make poor pitch choices because we have become emotional. We make mistakes that we should know better than to do.

This happens often on the other side too. Us coaches in the dugout are just as prone to this as the players on the field are. My first year coaching, this reality slapped me in the face one night. Our pitcher was out there struggling. Things just weren’t going his way and I, as the coach, was in charge of keeping the pitch count. The longer the inning went on, the more mistakes I watched happen, the quicker I started to lose control of my job. We had an organizational rule that no pitcher was to throw more than 35 pitches in one inning. My boss happened to be in town, and in the dugout with me, when he came up and asked me what he was at (pitch count). When I looked down, he was at 30+ and we had no one up in the bullpen getting ready. Well, our pitcher ended up throwing too many and I got a good talking to after the game was over. Needless to say, lesson learned, it never happened again.

In the heat of the moment, on the field or in the dugout, staying mentally in control will allow you to make those rational decisions. The correct pitch selections, mound visits in the correct moments, making the last out at third, pitching changes, keeping track of pitch counts, etc.

Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts and do your best to…

“Don’t Let The Game Speed Up On You”

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Pitch To Contact

2015-05-11 09.13.06My last session of the day yesterday was with two of my High School students. Both are great kids, both are talented pitchers and both have the ability to play past HS, if they so desire.

As they were playing catch, I was chatting with their parents I came to learn that they both had walk rates, during their seasons, that needed some attention.

After they were done with their mound work, we sat down for a few minutes and dug a little deeper into the topic. I wanted to hear what their approach is with every pitch. Is their catcher moving around, side to side, too much? What is their thought process in 2 ball counts? What is their intent with the first pitch to each batter? Are they looking to get contact or trying to get swing and misses?

A pitcher’s #1 job is to throw strikes. The goal is to do this 65% of the time. In my book, a pitcher has two counts where he can purposely throwing a pitch, out of the zone, to get a swing and miss. 0-2 and 1-2 counts. With that said, there is nothing better for a pitcher than getting a punch-out on 3 pitches, especially when you freeze the hitter with a fastball in an 0-2 count. This is proof that you are in the dome, you have them thinking too much and you have out thought them.

Besides those two counts, EVERY SINGLE PITCH should be thrown with the intent of inducing weak contact on the ground. Too often, young pitchers are pitching to get swing and misses. When we do this, pitch AWAY from contact, we WILL throw more balls than we should be. Remember, our job is to throw strikes. Nothing drives me more crazy, than seeing a catcher set up a foot off the plate, trying to steal strikes. This is not efficiency and this is not development.

Very few youth pitchers have the ability to hit the corner 6-7 times out of 10 pitches. With that understanding, catchers need to be using more of the plate, to give their pitchers a little wiggle room when they miss, some, side to side. Unless it is an 0-2 or 1-2 count, have them sit thirds of the plate or just stay middle. If you do have a pitcher who is advanced with their command of the baseball, then sure, keep them progressing in their development and learn how to work the strike zone.

Two ball counts are a huge count for pitchers. One of our main goals should be to do what we can to stay away from the dreaded 3 ball count. Staying away from these counts will allow us to stay away from those free bases. There is nothing worse than giving the batter first base for free. We have to make them earn it. A mentality of Pitching To Contact, will most definitely, help us achieve this important goal.

They first pitch to each hitter IS the most important pitch of the at bat. I don’t have specifics, but there is a HUGE difference in a hitters batting average when they start the count 0-1 vs. 1-0. The first pitch to a hitter NEEDS to be thrown with the intent of getting contact, preferably, on the ground. Focus on executing the pitch down in the zone. Getting an out on one pitch can’t be done if we don’t throw a first pitch strike.

Pitchers, learn to trust your stuff and throw pitches with the goal of the inducing contact. Coaches, help your pitchers and catchers understand this. Help them keep their pitch count down which will allow them to give you more innings.


Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Calling Pitches From the Dugout

IMG_1938I have written on this before but after a couple recent brief conversations, I promised I would go into it further.

I have called plenty of pitches from the dugout (never every pitch though). Always with the intent to help my pitcher on the mound work on developing a certain pitch they need to build some confidence in or to show them how effective a certain pitch/location can affect the hitter and their comfort level.

With this though, there was always an understanding with my catcher that if the pitcher shook him off, he was to go with what they wanted. If they have a plan, are thinking, and feel confident in another pitch, then by all means, go for it. If they believe in a certain pitch in a certain count/situation, they will throw that pitch with more conviction than they will the pitch that I am suggesting.

If it ends up being a poor choice in pitch selection/location, then we can talk about it after the inning is over, or after the game is over and work through thoughts and ideas. With that in mind though, believe this…a pitcher can throw any pitch in any count and if they EXECUTE that pitch, their chances of success are very high. Too often we will get caught up in saying “That was the wrong pitch to throw, that’s why it was a hit” but it ALWAYS comes down to the execution of the pitch. Everyone on the field, and in the stands, may know the pitcher is going to throw a breaking ball and if he throws it where he is suppose to, he will win. If he leaves it up, the hitter should do with it what he trains to do, and he will win. BEFORE YOU SECOND GUESS A PITCH SELECTION, FIRST LOOK AT THE EXECUTION OF THE PITCH.

Now, if we have a young, raw pitcher, on the mound who is so new to it that there is no way they can try to repeat their delivery, focus on the glove and think about pitch selection, at the same time, AND a you have a young catcher who lacks experience too, then sure, let’s help them with pitch selection.

As you all know, I am a strong believer in development. Calling every single pitch for your pitcher and catcher, is not development. If you have a pitcher and/or catcher who has shown you that they are out there thinking, then let them go with it. If you feel that they made some poor choices in pitch selection, then talk through it later. Let them learn. Let them make some mistakes. Let them build some confidence in their own choices. LET THEM LEARN AND FIGURE IT OUT.

It always amazed me when we would get a pitcher, who was just drafted, and he had no idea how to call his own game. At that level, you are expected to be able to do this and when a young pitcher has his hand held every time they took the mound, as an amateur, this is the product. All talent, no smarts. The player who can think, play the mind games and out think their opponent, is the player who will advance quicker.

Coaches, please give the kids, your pitchers and catchers, a chance to call their own pitches. You saying that the pitch you call is the final word, that the pitcher has no option to shake off the catcher, is you saying you have one thing in mind, WIN.

Once again, it all comes down to development. Develop first, win second.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.