Archive for Fielding

Tee Ball

One of my favorite drills/games to have the players play. It’s always funny to hear the groans and comments from the first timers. Interesting to hear kids say “tee’s are for little kids!” Haha! But when we explain how the game will go, boy do their eyes light up!!

I know some out there have their own versions of this but here’s how we’ve done it:
• Depending on the number of players, break them up into 2, 3 or even 4 teams.
• Each inning or team rotate, players need to go to a different position.
• Each play starts with the pitcher. Pitcher makes sure everyone is ready, goes through delivery throwing an imaginary pitch (ball is on a tee at home plate) and the hitter tracks it and swings to hit the ball. **Very important to not let the hitter hit until this happens. Have seen kids hit the ball when defense wasn’t ready. Safety first!
• Play it live from there.
• Play straight up or force situations.
• We’ve played no steals unless it’s a hit and run with the hitter trying to hit the ball to the right side.
• Hitters work on proper tee placement based on where they want to hit it (have a coach at home plate asking them what the goal is).
• Baserunners always working on good primary and secondary leads, aggressive turns, thinking two out of the box on ball to outfield, going 1st to 3rd or 2nd to home.
• Pitchers working PFP and backing up.
• For older players, have the pitchers work in pick off moves (obviously without a baseball) which will give the runners practice on reading the pitcher.
• Etc. Etc.

Kids love it! It’s fast paced and you can cover a lot in an hour. Have fun out there!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Play Free!

We need to be so confident in our abilities that when we do make a mistake, have a tough day, fall into a little slump, we trust that it’s temporary. We know without a doubt we will work through it and come out better because of that adversity.

Playing free is not caring who is watching because you know you’re giving your best but that doesn’t always mean you’re going to be the best. Your level of focus, purpose and intent will allow you to keep getting better.

Playing free means you don’t panic or lose yourself when things become uncomfortable and don’t go your way. You stay the course and keep moving forward with the situation at hand.

Playing free is playing with a level of confidence that no one can beat you but in reality you know in the back of your mind that doesn’t always happen. But that confidence allows you to get back up with the same level of belief.

Playing free is knowing yourself, your body, your mechanics so well that when somethings off, you feel it instantly and know how to fix it. You’re careful to not over think and be too analytical though.

Playing free is what we want our players to play like. We want them to trust themselves, be aggressive and play like no one can beat them. For this to happen they need to know we believe in them and that we want them to play like they are unbeatable!!

Play FREE young ballers!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dugout Culture

• Position players, study the opposing pitchers. Look for patterns in pitch selection. Tells in their delivery. How they handle hold times and pick off moves with runners on. See if they pay attention to the runner on third.

• Pitchers, study the opposing hitters. Are they on time with the load phase of their swing. What do they chase with two strikes. Do they swing first pitch. Does their approach change with runner on vs no runner on. Are they a base stealer.

• Position players, pick up your teammates. Know where everyones hat and glove is and when they are the last out of the inning someone be ready to take their stuff to them (unless they are the catcher).

• Coaches, they are watching. Your body language, your energy, your support. Establish a culture of responsibility and accountability. Be the example of what you preach.

• Pitchers, if there is a long inning (with your team batting) make sure to keep your body moving. With two outs do some band work, arm circles or maybe even go to the bullpen to play a little catch. Keep that arm loose.

• Catchers, unless you were at bat, on base or on deck, make sure you are ready to go when that third out is made. Team, if your catcher needs to get their gear on, make sure some is ready to go out and warm up the pitcher.

• All Players, talk baseball. There is plenty of time away from the field to goof off. Create an atmosphere of supporting one another. Watching the game together. Cheer your teammates on but be careful letting your “cheers” be the only thing you’re thinking about. The dugout is a place to prepare for your next opportunity.

• Everyone, bust your butt to your position. NO WALKING out to your position!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Mental Stability

Besides physical tools, what goes on between our ears is absolutely vital for not just performing well but performing well consistently.

For the mentally weak and those who just can’t get a grip on their emotions when things don’t go their way, this game will chew them up and spit them out. Seen it happen and can only imagine how many talented athletes, and non-athletes, never reached, and will never reach, their full potential because they couldn’t get past “fair” or being so prideful they couldn’t handle being beat by their competition that day or they couldn’t grasp the importance of “stoic” when their teammates made mistakes.

It’s an emotional game, we are human. Excitement and frustration are most definitely part of being a competitor but using that as a reason or excuse to “lose it” is not “competing.” Throwing pitches with anger is not competing. Swinging harder than normal because we don’t like the last call is not competing. Hanging onto whatever happened the last pitch and being so distraught that we make a mistake on the next pitch/ball in play is not competing.

In the real world “Mental In-stability” leads to many mistakes and in some cases those mistakes can be life changing. Not just for us personally but often those around us. In our game this is often referred to as being “soft” or “easy to beat.” You call it what you want but if this is you, you are indeed easy to beat. You may have some special talent but ultimately you are not a strong competitor…YET!

Personal growth is an ongoing process. Some can, and do, fix things like this earlier in life while others take time and unfortunately some never figure it out. Having the ability to remain calm in tense situations puts us in a place to think clearly. To be able to critically think, observe the situation and make better thought out decisions. Breathe, relax your shoulders, give yourself a second.

We work so hard on improving and perfecting our physical tools but let’s make sure we are giving our mind the attention it needs and deserves too.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

5 Ways we are Failing to Prepare THEM

Raising and developing people…

THIS is what our job is as adults. Realize it or not, most everything that happens on a ball field can be related to life in some way. The problem is, many are failing to see what this is all about. We have become so obsessed with the outcome that we are failing to recognize and believe in the process. We often hear “Trust The Process” used but then find that those who frequently use this term simply do not understand what it really means.

“The Process” requires patience. It calls for us knowing what the end goal is. It takes us ADULTS teaching, then stepping back and letting them figure it out while resisting the urge to step in at the sign of failure. Failure is THE key to long term success. They are moments disguised as disappointment and embarrassment but are actually blessings in disguise. The problem though lies with the adults, parents and coaches, who lack patience for failure and see our player’s and children’s failures as a reflection of our ability to teach and lead. That’s when we see the adults making it about them when we all should know what this is really all about…THE KIDS.

Here are 5 things that are happening on fields across the nation that are stunting player and individual growth…

Pigeon Holing Players:
We need to stop viewing them as “The Shortstop” or “The Center Fielder”. They are Baseball players. They are “Athletes”. The goal is for them to be able to confidently tell their HS coach at their freshman year tryouts that they can play wherever they need them. A player who played only SS his whole youth life is limited. Sure not everyone can pitch or catch but know this, we are not helping them develop their baseball IQ and “Options” when we develop them as a one dimensional player. Teach them and help them learn the game from multiple angles on the field.

Calling Pitches:
Robots don’t think, they wait for commands. Why do we feel the need to call every single pitch from the dugout? It’s great that you know how to get youth hitters out but that’s not your job. The ball is not in your hand. Relinquish control, teach them how to observe the situation and the hitter AND LET THEM PLAY SOME BASEBALL. Will they make some poor choices on pitch selection…You bet! That’s where we help them between innings to learn so they are better prepared for the next time that situation comes up. Not only is this not good for them to develop as thinkers and observers, it’s horrible for the pace of a game. Talk about a tempo killer. Teach them, pitchers and catchers, to work together, work fast and get their boys back in the dugout as soon as possible. Bosses tell people what to do, leaders teach people what to do. Which one are you?

Undeserved Playing Time:
When a player is involved in too many things at once and continually fails to attend team practices…When a player continually displays poor body language…When a player is disrespectful towards the umpires, their teammates or coaches…Playing time is NOT deserved. By rewarding these behaviors with the privilege of seeing the ball field, we are making a huge mistake. Talent shouldn’t matter…Opponent shouldn’t matter…The importance of the game shouldn’t matter…RAISING AND DEVELOPING THAT PERSON MATTERS. You ARE instilling ego and entitlement and you may not even realize it. Many things are bigger than the game and this may be the biggest of all. The greed of wanting to win is taking over common sense and blinding many to what this is really all about.

Ignoring Defensive Fundamentals:
Knowing how to read the play. Knowing what their job is. Knowing where to back up and where to throw the ball. Knowing how to properly execute and rundown. Developing instincts through repetitions. Too many games and not enough practice. Many HS players know what they should do on a play but when it comes down to it, in the moment, they have underdeveloped instincts as they simply have not practiced these fundamentals enough. Pitchers working on their craft is often ignored because “It takes too much time”. The fact is, pitching and defense is what wins and loses most ball games. If you can’t take care of the ball (throw strikes, field and catch the ball) the other team will make their way around the bases whether they are a good hitting team or not. There should be just as much defensive work as there is offensive work, if not more.

Instilling Ego, Entitlement and Un-Coachable Attitudes:
Help them develop confidence but keep them humble. Take ability out of the picture and treat them all as people. Help them understand there are many ways to be successful in this game (and in life) and for them to grow as much as possible, they must look for as much information as possible, ask questions whenever possible and NEVER go into a situation of opportunity with a closed mind. Talking down about their teammates and coaches is a HUGE parenting mistake. It’s the good old fashioned term, “If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all!” Realize it or not, you are teaching the skill of gossip, you are instilling a sense of being better than everyone else and you are instilling habits that WILL get them in trouble at some point later in life. Lastly, teach them that success is earned. Find different ways to make them earn their keep. Teach them that talent will only get them so far, that their work ethic, their character, their dedication and perseverance will all be the deciding factor as they grow.

ALL of these things happen on and off a field during a baseball season. Some may read this and take it personal, that’s fine. Some may read this and feel pain as they have, or are, living this. I’m nearly 40 years old, have been blessed with a life where I got to play, and now teach, the game of baseball. I understand I have been able to experience things that most will never get to and that keeps me humble. Now I have the privilege to teach what I have learned, and am still learning, every day. It’s up to you if you want to be coachable (yes adults should be coachable too), or if you read these words and disagree. However you take it is fine with me. I’m here to help and teach from what I have experienced, that’s it.

I’ll end with this…”The Big Picture”…Our one purpose as adults is to provide for the young. This happens in many different ways. PLEASE don’t ever let pride and greed blur your thoughts and cause you to miss out on the countless character development moments that happen on a daily basis. Lead by example, pour into THEM and help them prepare for LIFE.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Don’t Let The Game Speed Up On You

2015-04-16 11.11.33As a young player, I have no idea how many times this happened to me. I do know, though, that it was more than I would have liked. But to this day, all those moments have helped mold me into the parent and coach that I strive to be today.

I was working with one of my college students the other day. His mound work started off good but as the session went on, he started to battle his command. When I have worked with a player for a period of time, and I have come to know them emotionally and see where their strengths and weaknesses are, I will give them a chance to to work through these moments on their own. The worst thing a coach can do is say something to a pitcher between every pitch. Trust me, been there, experienced that. No bueno!

As the miss fires kept coming, you could see him getting more and more frustrated. With that frustration came a lose of focus which, in a game situation, would lead to disaster. After about 10-15 in a row, I finally stepped in and helped him realize what was going on. Physically, mechanically, nothing was wrong. What was wrong was what he was allowing to happen between his ears. He was throwing pitches while still focusing on what happened with his last pitch. He was trying to force command instead of trusting in his ability and letting his natural talent take over. It had had “Sped Up On Him”.

When this happens, we lose all rational thought. We are letting the situation control us instead of us controlling the situation. We swing at pitches out of the zone because we have no plan. We make poor pitch choices because we have become emotional. We make mistakes that we should know better than to do.

This happens often on the other side too. Us coaches in the dugout are just as prone to this as the players on the field are. My first year coaching, this reality slapped me in the face one night. Our pitcher was out there struggling. Things just weren’t going his way and I, as the coach, was in charge of keeping the pitch count. The longer the inning went on, the more mistakes I watched happen, the quicker I started to lose control of my job. We had an organizational rule that no pitcher was to throw more than 35 pitches in one inning. My boss happened to be in town, and in the dugout with me, when he came up and asked me what he was at (pitch count). When I looked down, he was at 30+ and we had no one up in the bullpen getting ready. Well, our pitcher ended up throwing too many and I got a good talking to after the game was over. Needless to say, lesson learned, it never happened again.

In the heat of the moment, on the field or in the dugout, staying mentally in control will allow you to make those rational decisions. The correct pitch selections, mound visits in the correct moments, making the last out at third, pitching changes, keeping track of pitch counts, etc.

Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts and do your best to…

“Don’t Let The Game Speed Up On You”

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Soft Hands

Have a Plan

Indians Rays BaseballJust as a pitcher or hitter, a fielder needs to have a plan before every pitch. They need to know the situation: how many outs, where are the runners, what is the score, where does this guy tend to hit the ball, what is my pitcher throwing on this pitch? All of these will determine what I will do if and when the ball is hit to me. A fielder without a plan can get caught with the ball in their hand and no sense where to throw the ball. At the amateur level, this happens all too often. Parents and coaches, take the time to explain this to your players. Watch a game in person or on TV and have fun with it. Have your Dude put themselves in that situation and ask them what would they do if the ball was hit to them. A good fielder is always thinking and has a plan for when the ball is hit to them.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Soft Hands

If you play baseball, I’m sure you know what it means to have soft hands. If you haven’t, then listen up. To have soft hands means to field a ball with your hands moving back towards your body and up just as the ball gets to you. This also means to not have brick hands. How many times have you tried to field a ball only to have it hit right in your glove and bounce right back out? This more than likely happened because you had stone hands. Check out our instructional tip on soft hands to get a better understanding of what this should look like, but understand from this that the reason the ball keeps popping out of your glove is because you don’t have soft hands.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.