Archive for Baserunning

Play Free!

We need to be so confident in our abilities that when we do make a mistake, have a tough day, fall into a little slump, we trust that it’s temporary. We know without a doubt we will work through it and come out better because of that adversity.

Playing free is not caring who is watching because you know you’re giving your best but that doesn’t always mean you’re going to be the best. Your level of focus, purpose and intent will allow you to keep getting better.

Playing free means you don’t panic or lose yourself when things become uncomfortable and don’t go your way. You stay the course and keep moving forward with the situation at hand.

Playing free is playing with a level of confidence that no one can beat you but in reality you know in the back of your mind that doesn’t always happen. But that confidence allows you to get back up with the same level of belief.

Playing free is knowing yourself, your body, your mechanics so well that when somethings off, you feel it instantly and know how to fix it. You’re careful to not over think and be too analytical though.

Playing free is what we want our players to play like. We want them to trust themselves, be aggressive and play like no one can beat them. For this to happen they need to know we believe in them and that we want them to play like they are unbeatable!!

Play FREE young ballers!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Primary & Secondary Leads

4402-BASEBALL-OESuch an important piece as our young ones are preparing for their baseball life on the big field and their High School career and hopefully beyond.

The more and more I see big field rules played on a small field (46/60 and 50/70), the more and more I am seeing this skill not being taught. It seems so many are so concerned with stealing 2nd and then 3rd within the first two pitches, that we aren’t teaching the game. When you play these teams, if you watch close enough, you will see how under developed most of these players are with these two skills when they don’t steal on a pitch.

It’s so bad that in many situations players are told to fake bunt on the first pitch every time so the runner can take second or third. We all know the odds of a successful steal are often above 90%. How about teach them how to execute a hit and run? Or how about we stop taking the bat out of the hitters hands in that great hitters count…0-0? How about we teach them to look for patterns in pitch selection on that first pitch and teach them what to do and when to do?

Yes, pitchers and catchers need to get better at holding runners, varying hold times, getting rid of the ball quicker behind the plate but these skills take so much longer to develop than learning how to steal on first move that we see these completely normal weaknesses being taken completely advantage of by coaches who care more about the score board than teaching and preparing. Teach them to be aggressive and when to be aggressive but understand development.

Many leave Little League style ball because they want to play by the regular rules and “Real” baseball. I understand that but if you want to play by the regular rules and play “Real” ball, then let’s teach them how to play real/realistic baseball like they will when they get to the big field.

They won’t be able to do this stuff when they get to HS. But what they will need to be good at is taking a good aggressive secondary, reading the ball out of the pitchers hand, anticipating the ball in the dirt and having that right foot coming down as the ball is crossing the hitting zone and learning how to read and what to look for in both pick off moves from right handed and left handed pitchers.

Coaches…Are you teaching this?

I don’t care if your opponent playing this style of so called “baseball”. This is about your approach. About you teaching your players the game. About you preparing them for what the real game is like. Why are we so concerned about winning and teaching habits that are just short term? Teach them the REAL game. A game that will give them some value as a HS player. Our job is preparing them for the next level and EVERY player on a small field should be preparing for the game on the big field.

Coach’em up coaches!!

Player Development 101

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Rounding the Bases


Imagine you rope a ball in the gap, the outfielders have to go all the way to the fence to get the ball. But because you didn’t make a small enough turn at first base, you ended up going too wide on your way to second. You round second and head to third but you are held up by the third base coach because you won’t make it. Now you are on second with one out. The next guy up hits a deep fly ball and you tag up and head into third. Now there are two outs and the next guy strikes out. You guys lose the game by one. Now if you had make the proper turn at first, there is a good chance you would have made it to third with one out and that deep fly ball would have scored you. Now we have a new ball game and because you have some great base running skills, you have given your team a chance to win.

It is the little things like this that separate good teams from not so good ones. The best do the little things right.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Slide Properly


A great way to stay away from injury is to learn how to slide properly. If you do this properly, you should never have a strawberry or scraped hands. Along with staying away from injuries, being a good slider will help you to be a better all around player. As you get older in this game, you will need to know how to do a hook slide and back door slide as well as when is the right time to slide or not slide.

Let’s talk really quick about sliding at home. Whoever is on deck needs to be there telling the runner to slide or not to slide and to which side of the plate. If the catcher is in front of the plate, this is when we will slide wide to the side of the plate and try to reach back and touch the base with just our hand.

Heads up for our instructional video tip on sliding properly.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.