Arm Care

The term “Arm Care” is thrown around as if it’s a simple thing. Do some band exercises and you should be good!! Truth is it’s a very loaded term and deserves a much much deeper explanation and plan. If you’re serious about the game, pitching, your teams arms, then it’s time to get serious about all of it.


• Understanding and developing proper throwing/pitching mechanics.
• Pre season throwing plan.
• Pre season/early season pitch count progression.
• Total body strength.
• Nutrition
• Weekly between game throwing routines.
• Listening to your arm.
• Knowing your body.
• Not pitching with a lower body injury.
• Post throwing arm maintenance/recovery routine.
• Knowing what an arm is conditioned for, aka, how many pitches is an arm ready to throw that day.
• Knowing what signs of fatigue look like and how to diagnose what a sore arm is.
• Not rushing back into competitive throwing after an arm injury.
• Weekly bullpens to get better with command and stuff to be able to compete better which means throwing more strikes which means most likely throwing less pitches per inning.
• Being mentally tougher which again means being a better competitor which means being able to get more outs with less pitches.

Band work is good but there is WAY more to it. We have a whole page here on our site dedicated to this topic. Check out our “Save Our Arms” page.

**Side note, those bands sitting at the bottom of your bag aren’t helping.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.