Your Approach

2015-05-29 20.22.42I woke up this morning thinking about our 9/10 year old Instructional League group. They are great. What a fun group of energized little people. They are all happy to be there. Want to learn and are doing their best to take in as much info as they can.

When we make the lineups for our games, we make it a point to move the players all over the field. The goal is that by the end of this, they all have learned about every position on the field. Even if they aren’t a catcher, they should have learned something about it. Even if they aren’t a pitcher, they should have learned something about it. It’s important that they learn about the game and there’s no better time to start than at this age.

If you were to watch one of these workouts, grade the levels of talent out there, the arm strength, the bat speed, their running speed, their ability to just catch the ball, it would be all over the map. And to be honest, if you came to watch all of our different age groups, you would see the same.

Now with that said, are we going to give some more attention than others, NOPE. Are we going to give the more talented ones more playing time, NOPE. Will we banish the weaker players to the outfield, NOPE. We are here to teach.

Even though this is an Instructional League, if I were running some sort of LL team, Travel/Tournament team, the same approach would be taken. Youth baseball is about learning. It’s about developing the player AND the person. Will all of these players play HS Baseball, no. Will some of them play College Baseball, yes. Will any of them play Baseball for their whole lives, haha, of course not. Baseball is such a temporary phase in their lives, but a phase, that if handled correctly, can be one of the most positive and impacting phases they may experience. So many aspects of life can be learned on the field. Youth coaches, it’s up to us to help them learn from each and every day they are on it.

Their talent will take them as far as it can, Their focus and dedication will take them as far as it can. Their level of mental toughness will take them as far as it can. Their level of perseverance will take them as far as it can. It’s our job to help them develop these traits to allow them to gain the most experience possible on the field.

Our job is to give them every opportunity possible. And those who are truly development minded, will make it a point to give them the chances. It’s not our job to tell them they aren’t good enough. That job is for their HS, College and Professional coaches. Your job is to prepare them for High School Baseball and LIFE.

Get your mind in the right place. Remember who this game is about (the players). Don’t ever turn your back on the lesser talent, give them every opportunity to learn from what this game has to offer them and be there to help them learn from every teachable moment.

Your Approach will determine your Character as a Coach.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.