
IMG_0001Let’s talk “Tempo”. What is it and why is it so important in this game. Before we start our day, we always go over the previous nights game. This topic always seems to come up. Tempo in baseball can mean different things for each guy. Obviously there is the Tempo of the game. How quick, or slow, the game is going. This is important to help the pitcher on the mound stay in a groove, keep your fielders on their toes and keep the hitters off balance.

There is also the tempo of a pitchers delivery. This is often referred to their rhythm. Each pitcher is different and when their command is off, this should be one of their first check points. In my experience, most pitchers are far more consistent with a quicker tempo in their delivery. There are a few guys that I have seen that can get away with a slower tempo in their delivery, but they are few and far between.

Now, as for the tempo of the game. This is all in the hands of the pitcher. It is their job to keep this going. When they are on the bench and the last out is made, they should hustle out to the mound. Be the first guy on the field. I always wanted to be to the mound before the outfielders, from the other team, made it to the mound while running off the field. Have a quick pace with your warm up pitches. I know in College they get 5 but in pro ball, you get 8. Have a plan for them and treat it like a mini bullpen session. Make it quality. Have purpose and intent with each pitch and again, be quick.

Another way to make sure the Tempo of the game is quick is to limit the time in between pitches. The easiest way to slow down a game is right here. Too often you will see a pitcher throw a pitch, walk towards the plate while receiving the ball back from the catcher and then turn around and walk back to the rubber. This is wrong! After you throw the pitch, back peddle towards the rubber so you are about to the top of the mound when you receive the ball.

Lastly, another way to slow the Tempo is for you and your catcher to not be on the same page. Talk before the game and make a plan. Talk in between innings and make a plan for the next three batters coming up.

Hitters do not like to feel rushed in the batters box. One of the easiest ways to make them uncomfortable is to have this quick Tempo. It makes them feel like they are being rushed. I took pride in making them uncomfortable in the box and loved it when they felt like they needed to call time out because they weren’t ready. My goal was for my catcher and I to be on the same page so that when the batter got in the box, looked up at me that I was ready to come at him.

Train yourself to work quick. Have a solid Tempo and become a better pitcher instantly!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.