
image_1362869785706210A person or players success in life can be altered by the reputation that they build over time. Every decision someone makes can, and most often, will affect it. In some cases, a good or bad decision might not affect that person for a long period of time, but eventually all of our choices will directly affect us somehow.

One with a good reputation is one who has character, integrity, strong morals and is just a good person. To be a baseball player with a good reputation takes doing the same thing, your habits, day after day. Hitting off the tee everyday to make you a better hitter. Being the best catch player on the field everyday to make you a better pitcher. Being a great teammate in the dugout everyday whether you are having a good or bad day. Always being on time to every practice, class, game or team meeting. These are just a few things that build a good reputation.

Unfortunately a good reputation can be destroyed by one bad choice. Striking out and slamming your bat or helmet to the ground can kill it. Hanging your head after an error can kill it. Sitting on the bench and pouting while your whole team is up on the top rail can kill it. Making a poor decision off the field; skipping class, partying, poor choice of friends, not thinking before you speak can kill it. Doing the wrong things, thinking you might get away with it, will most definitely kill it.

The choice is all on you. Do you want to be known as a great player, great teammate, great student, hard worker, great son or a great father? Every single choice you make in life has consequences. It’s up to you if you want them to be good ones or bad ones.

Be a person of Character, Integrity and Honor and good things will happen to you in life.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.