Pitchers: Throw Strikes!

Pitching 101

What’s your mindset? When you throw a pitch, is your focus on the catcher, or is your focus on a spot inside his glove? Are you just throwing a breaking ball in an 0-2 count, or are you trying to bury it in the dirt behind the plate? Are you throwing a fastball away, or are you visualizing yourself throwing it at the knees on the corner?

Fine tune your focus. Challenge yourself to see how many times you can hit the glove and execute pitches. If your focus in on an “area”, then that’s what you are going to see, a pitch to an area. You need to be better than that. Your job is to hit “spots”. There’s a big difference.

Remember though, to hit spots consistently, you need to be able to repeat your delivery. Your struggles with this will be reflected in your low strike percentage and your high walk ratio. Tighten up that delivery, learn right from wrong and command the Baseball.

The pitchers that win the most pitches, are the pitchers whose team can rely on them the most.

Throw strikes Dudes!!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.