Little League

184567_10200633624997403_1924303203_nThis is where it all starts. Little League Baseball. One of the more enjoyable times in a child’s life. The smile of their face when they get that first hit. The smile on their face when they catch that fly ball. The smile on their face when they strike out a hitter.

When they first start playing, it is usually tee-ball. Every game is fun. No pressure to get a hit. Nobody yelling at the umpires. And everybody gets equal playing time at every position and everyone goes home happy, including the parents. Wouldn’t it be nice if every season was like that?! My question is, why isn’t it? When did LITTLE LEAGUE baseball become a “we have to win” sport. Parents and the parent coaches need to realize and remember what this level of baseball is all about. Parents put their kids in these leagues to play and have fun. Hopefully they will learn a little something along the way but don’t expect your child to get great instruction from a volunteer parent. Don’t get me wrong, there are most definitely some good little league coaches out there, but they are very hard to come by.

Players in little league should get even playing time at whatever positions they want to learn. I always recommend coaches passing out a questioner before the season, to see what positions each player likes.

Parents and coaches also need to understand that the umpires are volunteers too. They will make mistakes often and have not so good strike zones. That is just the way it is, so do yourself and the kids a favor and keep your comments to yourself. Being vocal to a volunteer umpire, in little league, sets a horrible example to the kids. Don’t forget, they are like sponges. If you act like that, guess how they will think is the right way to act!

Lastly, they whole winning thing in little league, in my opinion goes too far sometimes. I can understand it at the 12 year old age but until then, that’s not what it should be about. Parents and coaches need to check their egos at the door and let the kids have fun. Remember, this is little league baseball and should be a great memory in these kids lives. Make it fun, teach them how to do their best and what it means to be a good teammate.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.