Life Lesson: Handling People

2015-01-30 13.30.58-1Another great life lesson this game can teach you, if you allow it, is how to relate to all different types of people.

The longer you get to play, the more teammates/coaches/fans you will get to meet and spend time with. You will come to learn that they are all different. They look different. They talk different. They dress different. They have different abilities. They have different personas and they have different opinions.

Understand that they are who they are. Accept them for who they are. If you don’t agree with how they do things, that doesn’t mean you have to be rude and shun them. Be friendly, be kind and be an acquaintance.

You will come across many Type A personalities. They are who they are. Have very strong opinions and will be unlikely back down from an argument. There egos are often larger than life. You be you and hopefully they will notice and try to emulate.

You will come across many with self doubt. Be kind and give them support in success AND failure. It can affect them more than you realize. They are looking for some guidance. If you can help, then ask them what you can do.
Then you will come across many of my favorite type. The humble ones. Those with quiet confidence. Watch them. See how they carry themselves. Watch how the react to success. How they react to adversity. Watch them and emulate them for they are the ones that many of us strive to be like.

Bottom line, be the best person you can be. Learn how to handle yourself around all different types of people. Accept them for who they are. Be kind. Be respectful. Be honest and be true.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.