Choosing an Instructor

Article#8picAs a parent, I want the best for my children.  My youngest is a girl who recently started Ballet. We are very happy to have found someone who has the credentials to make us comfortable that our little girl will get the best ballet instruction she can. 

It’s very important for parents to understand that not all instructors are created equal. It’s also important to understand that just because an instructor has played college ball, minor league ball or even played in the big leagues, this by no means, means this person is a solid instructor.  I personally had some coaches during my playing career who had great big league careers but were not good instructors. 

The best instructors should be honest, honest to a fault, good listeners, knowledgeable and overall just a good person. This person will be a mentor to your child.  Do your research and ask around.  The best will see their clientele grow and grow because of word of mouth.  

Our children are our pride and joy.  If you want them to grow up on the field and let this great game teach them all the life lessons it has to offer, start with a qualified instructor that passes in all these areas:

-Reputation?  What do other parents have to say?
-Is he honest with students even when it might not be something they want to hear?
-How do they speak?  
-Do they do it with confidence?
-Are they qualified?
-Are they a good communicator?

I am a firm believer that when helping a kid, you want to teach them the right way to do something from day one.  Too many times I have had a kid come to me after working with someone, who really isn’t qualified, and they are doing things with their body that just don’t make sense.  The question always comes up, “Do you see the guys on TV do that?”  Many coaches/instructors come up with what I call band-aids.  Something that will make them a little better right now but they will have to change it again sometime in the future.  This is all too often the case.  Many times parents have spent a lot of time and money and find out that what their kid has been taught isn’t what they really need to achieve their dreams.  

With all that said, for your kids sake and yours, take the time to find out who you are taking your kid to for instruction.  

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.