Archive for Baseball Life – Page 4


Bob McClure

This Dude changed my career. He taught me to compete mentally. He taught me how to pitch inside with my VERY average fastball. He taught me how to make the hitter uncomfortable. He taught!!

It’s an honor to call him a mentor. Though we haven’t spoken in years, his leadership was a force behind every pitch there after, every game, every day as a coach, every thought, every word and every moment since meeting him in 2003.

Here are some words I would like to point out from the article…
– Creating a positive environment, coaching instead of dictating, letting players breathe.
– He is a guy with a great deal of backbone. He wasn’t afraid to address things that had to be addressed.
– He has an emotional compass when it comes to dealing with young players.
– He creates authentic relationships with everyone so that everyone trusts him.
– He is a very deep thinker who is intellectually gifted. He has no ego or agenda — he is a very humble man who is always open for suggestions.
– But it doesn’t matter what kind of curveball you have if you can’t command your fastball.
– The better you can repeat your delivery, the easier it is for you to command a baseball.
– He’s a very calm personality, how he talks with people, how he engages with people.

Please take a moment to read. Thanks for being the person you are and for everything you do Mac.

CLICK HERE to view the article.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


IMG_6512Last Saturday after my oldest sons game, he’s 13, we had our usual post game discussion to cover areas we need to keep working on and areas that they are improving at and doing well. There are three of us coaches (I’m not the head coach, just there to help when I can) and it makes me very happy to hear the message the other coaches are giving these young ones.

Here is the message that the head coach left them with after we discussed the game…

You boys have a very unique opportunity this season to have three coaches on the field that are not going to be mad at you when you come back in the dugout after a mistake. You won’t find us angry, mad, or upset. It’s just not how we roll. There may be times that we are frustrated with a decision made, but it would only be used as a teaching moment.

You boys need to take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to deal with failure. You are going to strike out looking, you are going to go down swinging, you are going to make the wrong decision on when to steal and be thrown out. You don’t need to hang your head, get mad at yourself, tear up, or pout. You need to learn to just say, “ah, crap!” and own your mistake, keep your head high, say “yes coach” when being taught, and go out on the next play and take one back for yourself and the team.

We are giving you the freedom to make your own judgement calls on the field a lot of times, and we do expect you to fail. We also hope we’ve coached you well enough that most of the time you are succeeding. You’re going to have way bigger failures, face way bigger disappointments, and struggle through much more difficult things later in life, and this is a chance for you to learn how to deal with those times on a small, safe scale.

There should be no doubt in any of your minds that all the coaches out here care greatly about you as young men, not just about you as players with talent. This is so much more than just baseball!


Parents & Coaches, let’s not ever forget that this is just a game. The bigger picture is life. Build them up. Let them fail and then help them learn from it. Be a positive leader. Be a mentor. Be the reason they enjoy going to the field each day.

As I have said before, if at the end of the season, they have a new found love for the game and some new found confidence, Thank You for you are doing a great thing.


Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Professional Coaching

IMG_7183This question comes up every once in a while…

Why do coaches and instructors not working for a MLB organization call themselves a “Professional Coach”?

My thoughts…

From private instruction to youth/amateur coaches to HS and college coaches to professional coaches, the term “Professional Coaching” is heavily used. So many throw the term around that unfortunately it seems to have lost its value. It seems to be more of a marketing ploy than actual truth in many situations.

Can a coach who only played HS Baseball consider himself a “Professional”? Can a coach who only played/coached College Baseball consider himself a “Professional”? Can a coach who only played/coached Minor League Baseball consider himself a “Professional”? Or does he have to have played/coached in the Big Leagues to be able to call himself a “Professional”?

The term is up to personal opinion but the deeper I get into the youth/amateur Baseball world, the more and more I am seeing a lack of good experienced coaching. I’m not just talking about with the young ages, I’m talking all the way through college ball. In the professional world, it’s too often brought up about how under developed physically and mentally young professionals are. Yes, they may throw really hard and hit the ball really far, but game awareness lacks mightily. Instincts are lacking and common sense leaves coaches scratching their head.

For me, there are so many factors that could go into this term. Playing and coaching experience, leadership skills, age, reputation/word of mouth, is it a side gig or full time gig, how do they relate with the kids and their parents, how do they speak, how do they carry themselves, etc. Understand too that just because a coach/instructor played college or professional Baseball, that by no means means they can teach it. There is a HUGE difference in playing the game and teaching the game. To be a good teacher takes time. It takes experience. It takes the right mindset. It takes being coachable. It means pushing ego to the side and being open minded to what the more experienced have to offer. I have played for and worked with some great coaches who never picked up a Baseball after their HS career. Just imagine how much they had to learn. How long it took them to gain experience. How many questions they had to ask and how often they had to just keep their mouth closed and listen.

Again this is up to personal opinion. Make your choices by asking around. Find those in your area that you trust and have older players as those families will most likely have the most experience with multiple coaches/instructors. Be very careful of just going off of what you see on some flyer or on a website. Do your research. Make an educated decision as this may be one of the most important choices you make for your Dude.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


IMG_7233This word is used often amongst coaches at the higher levels of this game.

The higher you get, the better the players get and the quicker and quicker you will need to be able to make adjustments.

It all starts with being aware. Being aware that you’re late in the batters box. Being aware that your timing is off in your delivery. Being aware of what your body is doing. Being aware of your mindset. And recognizing that you need to change something right now.

As a coach, it’s a special thing to come across players with great Aptitude. Realize this too, just because a player has a lot of talent, that does not mean that he has Aptitude.

Aptitude can be developed but it starts with being a student. Wanting to learn. Being an observer. Paying attention to detail. Learning right from wrong and being persistent.

Never stop growing and wanting to learn Dudes!

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Mental Toughness Revealed

IMG_7024Having had many teammates and many coaches, there’s one common theme with the best. The ones who saw more long term success. The coaches who had the most trust from their players.

They handled failure and adversity with grace. At the higher levels of this game, very rarely will you ever see a player or coach carry a bad day over into the next day. When they go to bed on the night of a not so good day, that’s it. It’s over. Move on. Tomorrow is a new day. Their attitude the next day will seem as if the day before never even happened. And if the next day is rough again, they will repeat that cycle.

This is what it takes to be successful in this game and in life. You must be able to move on. If, and when, you are unable to is when it will start to fall apart.

A loss is a loss. A bad day is a bad day. Your mental toughness will be revealed when you show up to the field the next day.

Players and Coaches, self evaluate, do you carry a bad day into the next?

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Pitch Counts

Pitch Counts
If you decide to take some time to look over this, let me explain why this is so important to me.

First, YES, I am on the conservative side. Why? Because young baseball players these days play twice, if not three times, as many games as we did back in the 80’s and 90’s.

Second, baseball is, and has been, my life and career, especially pitching, for the last 20 years. After pitching over 1,500 professional innings and then coaching it for three seasons, I feel I have a good understanding and feel for what it takes, both physically and mentally, to survive long term.

You can take my opinion for what it’s worth. I don’t care about hearing about youth programs win-loss records nor does it matter to me how many tournaments they have won or where they rank on some national ranking list. I want to know how they are taking care of their players. How they are developing them. How they are preparing them for High School baseball. How are they teaching them the mental game and how are they at developing character.

When I first broke into professional baseball in the late 90’s, it was a big thing when someone went down with a major arm injury. As it moved on into the 2000’s, it started to become more and more wide spread. Flash forward to 2012-2014 when I was coaching, I was blown away at the number of players we drafted who already had a zipper on their elbow (Tommy John Surgery Scar).

For some reason, many seem to ignore the facts and truth, that this is all a direct cause of year round baseball, competitive pitching in the winter months when they should be resting or building up for the upcoming season, too much baseball over a 2-3 days span in some tournament, pitching without proper rest, pitching too many pitches when their arm is not conditioned for it, pitching too many pitches with poor mechanics, etc.

I understand that there are not many real pitching coaches out there. And to add to that, most coaches were not pitchers themselves growing up, so the true understanding of what it takes to throw strikes, what it feels like to battle through a long inning, what dead arm (fatigue) feels like, what proper mechanics look like and how to teach them, how to handle a pitching staff and what they need to be rested and ready for their next outing, the knowledge and experience is just not there.

The good ones will go out of their way to seek information. They will have a desire to educate themselves because they know how important that position that sits in the middle of the field on a small mountain, really is.

Bottom line, what you see on this document, is all about the kids. It is a real issue, so big that even MLB has put out their stance on it. Parents, you have to take matters into your hands if your Dude is not being handled correctly. For the sake of your kids health and development, you HAVE to find the right coach(es) and program. They get one shot at living out their dream as far as their talent will take them. You don’t want it to be an injury of over usage that puts an end to it.

**See these numbers as a guideline. You need to have “feel” for the moment. What are stressful pitches and what are efficient pitches. A pitchers ability, stamina and mental toughness should all play a factor in how they are dealt with in game action.

Click here to view, download and print the PDF file of our Pitch Count Chart

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

When the Student is Ready

IMG_5664The first time I heard this was during my first year coaching. It took me a while to really understand this. Now, this thought runs through my head nearly every day. From the students I work with, to parents, to fellow coaches and instructors, this couldn’t be any more true.

“When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear.”

As a coach/parent, my one and only purpose is to give. Give as much as I can. GIVE RELENTLESSLY.

With this, I have come to learn that not everyone is looking for it. Not everyone is ready for it. Many will give signs that they desire it, but when it comes down to it, they simply aren’t there yet. Maturity, experience, ego, ignorance, pride, conceit…Whatever it is, they just aren’t ready.

That’s perfectly fine. When they ARE indeed ready, they will come find you. From an early age, it was ingrained in me to seek knowledge. My father reminded me often about who I was around and to “Pick their brains.” Learn as much as you can from everyone you can. Through this life long process, it has become quite clear that not everyone is the same. Everyone sees things in a different light. There is more than just one way to succeed.

Let me share a story…

My first year coaching, one of the pitchers on my staff was from a major D1 school. He was a high draft pick with a great arm. Long story short, he fought suggestion. His ego was like a brick wall. He had an issue repeating his delivery which in turn led to a not so good strike percentage which led to poor performance on the mound. As the season went on, one constant topic in our daily pitchers meetings was the importance in our ability to command the baseball and command the strike zone.

What many amateur (college and lower) pitchers/parents/coaches fail to realize is that a good fastball will only get you so far. It can get you in the door, but if you can’t dot the i’s and cross the t’s with it, you will never make it all the way. Hitters at that level have a better idea of the strike zone and seem to be born to turn around a 95 MPH fastball like it’s batting practice, when it’s left up and over the plate. Command, execute and repeat is the name of the game and if they can’t do that, their dream of becoming a big leaguer will vanish much quicker than they had ever imagined it would that day they signed their first professional contract.

About half way through the season, we had a miserable series. As a whole, we were struggling. It happens. That’s baseball, that’s life. It came to a head one night and I called a meeting with my pitching staff after the game. It was a tough love lecture. The truth hurts kind of message. “Some of you may find yourself at home come this time next year if you don’t figure it out!”

About two minutes after that meeting was over, this young man came into my office and asked to talk. He broke down. It was hard to see but was obviously a turning point for him. His words…”I’m ready.”

He was starting to see the writing on the wall. The competition at that level is like no other. The best player in your area becomes just another guy when they step into a professional locker room.

After a change in mindset and a couple weeks of work, he started to turn things around. He finished the season with a different approach and better results. Unfortunately for him this all happened a little too late. A couple years later, his opportunity came to an end. This is a story like many, an amateur player with a lot of talent. He was never really TAUGHT how to turn that talent into a skill. He developed as a thrower, and not a pitcher, and was never able to fully overcome this. His ego and lack of being coachable. His maturity level and his lack of humility. They buried him.

Players, parents and coaches, don’t let this happen.

I’ll tell you right now young pitchers, your big fastball is just a talent. It may get you somewhere but if you desire to make it all they way, you better learn how to command it.

Parents, raise humble, coachable, selfless young men. Men who want to learn.

Coaches, BE COACHABLE. None of us have it all figured out. When we stop looking for information, for inspiration, for guidance and for assistance, we have put a ceiling on the amount we will be able to give our players, children and your family.

“When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear.”

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Life Lesson: Handling People

2015-01-30 13.30.58-1Another great life lesson this game can teach you, if you allow it, is how to relate to all different types of people.

The longer you get to play, the more teammates/coaches/fans you will get to meet and spend time with. You will come to learn that they are all different. They look different. They talk different. They dress different. They have different abilities. They have different personas and they have different opinions.

Understand that they are who they are. Accept them for who they are. If you don’t agree with how they do things, that doesn’t mean you have to be rude and shun them. Be friendly, be kind and be an acquaintance.

You will come across many Type A personalities. They are who they are. Have very strong opinions and will be unlikely back down from an argument. There egos are often larger than life. You be you and hopefully they will notice and try to emulate.

You will come across many with self doubt. Be kind and give them support in success AND failure. It can affect them more than you realize. They are looking for some guidance. If you can help, then ask them what you can do.
Then you will come across many of my favorite type. The humble ones. Those with quiet confidence. Watch them. See how they carry themselves. Watch how the react to success. How they react to adversity. Watch them and emulate them for they are the ones that many of us strive to be like.

Bottom line, be the best person you can be. Learn how to handle yourself around all different types of people. Accept them for who they are. Be kind. Be respectful. Be honest and be true.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

So You Don’t Like to Fail…

IMG_6345Well neither does the person next to you, the person in front of you or the person behind you. I’m sorry to break the news to you but, you’re going to. You will do it more often than you would like to think about.

Understand this…That guy that plays Baseball on TV that you love watching, well, he has failed way more than you have in your life. He fails almost everyday at something. Whether it’s a swing and miss…FAIL, an error in the field…FAIL, a caught stealing…FAIL, a strikeout…FAIL or a pop up to the cather…FAIL. Failing is a part of this game, and to be honest, it’s a part of life.

The sooner you get a grasp of the realization that it’s going to happen, the sooner you will be able to make progress. Stop being so hard on yourself and relax. Remember, the best of the best in the world fail too. It’s a part of it. If you want to be one of the best at whatever it is you want to do, develop the ability to handle failure better than the person next to you, the person in front of you and the person behind you.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


2015-04-23 09.22.08With success, you may see it. With talent and ability, you may see it. With a job title, you may see it. With age, you may see it. With a certain last name, you may see it and with experience, you may see it.

In the end, it comes down to ego. You can see it at all different ages. Parents, our goal should be to raise young people who understand what this means and make it a point to not let this happen.

Teach them to give by nature and to not expect. Be ok with being treated as an equal no matter if they are the best player on their team, the coaches kid or if they have been playing longer than their teammates.

Acting as if you deserve to be treated differently reveals a selfish mentality. This attitude can rip teams, families and relationships apart. Yes, your experience may be deserving of a different treatment, but carrying yourself in a manner that you are on a higher level than those around you will lead to a reputation of there being one person that matters most to you…YOU.

Most would care to not have this type of reputation, but if you find yourself thinking that you deserve this or you deserve that, then yes, you have a “Sense of Entitlement”.

Be Selfless, think of others first, stop wanting and start giving. Stop thinking about what you don’t have and start thinking about what you do have.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Leading By Example

2015-03-19 16.58.16Being around this game from the Little League level to the Big League level, one thing that is consistent from level to level is the human factor.

Let’s talk about the strike zone. Don’t pay attention to what the rule book says as all umpires have their own version. Some are bigger up and down than they are side to side while others are bigger side to side than they are up and down. If you have never been behind the dish, then you really don’t know how difficult it is to be consistent back there. This is part of the human factor. Just as the players have a tough time repeating their swing pitch after pitch and the pitchers have a tough time executing pitch after pitch, the umpire behind the plate can battle calling the same strike zone pitch after pitch.

We ALL need to recognize this, chill out and let the game play out as it will. One thing that I learned over the years is that it all evens out. For all the pitches that we believe the umpire missed, if we sit back and think about it, how many times has a pitcher thrown a pitch off the plate, side to side or down or up, that should have been called a ball but was called a strike??

The part I have a hard time with is seeing/watching players, young and old, complain, throw their hands in the air, yell at the umpires and act as if they are constantly being screwed. Where do you think they learned how to act like this?? Think about it parents and coaches…Who do they look up to? We, parents and coaches, are their closest role models. What type of example are we setting when we act like this?

Missed calls are a part of the game. Deal with it, stop complaining, act professional and use this as an opportunity to learn how to handle some adversity because if they can’t handle it in a game, how will they handle it in real life??

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


2015-02-28 13.27.37-1
TRUTH…The chances of an amateur player becoming a Major Leaguer (Just because a player is drafted, it does not mean they are a Major Leaguer) are so slim. I’ve heard all sorts of odds but have no idea what is exact. Personally, I have seen some of the most talented players in the world fall victim to the quality of competition, the amount of players in professional baseball as talented as they are along with all of the politics that come with all youth and professional sports. As parents, we need to keep this all in perspective while supporting our Dudes in any way we can. Motivate them to be the best they can be while at the same time, not overdoing it when it comes to pushing them and/or providing them with opportunities.

Use this game to teach them about life. How to deal with other people. What dedication is. What it means to have a strong work ethic and how that will affect them, for better or worse, later in life. How to handle themselves properly in moments of adversity and the proper way to handle success (Be Humble!)

The number of years they will get to play this game will be so small compared to the number of years they live but the number of life lessons they can learn in those years is why this game is so great. If they have a great day, be proud of them and help keep them grounded and when they have a bad day, help them learn from it as they need to be able to accept the failures in baseball, and in life, if they want to grow.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Baseball Lessons=Life Lessons

2014-11-26 18.47.12-1If you play this game long enough, you will most definitely experience failure over and over and over. I was blessed to play this game for a long time, briefly make it as far as you can, and experience some amazing highs and the lowest of lows. From MVP awards to not making it out of the first inning while giving up 6 runs and only getting one out!

The lessons this game has taught me have molded me into the adult I am today. Along the way, people were put in my life that taught me valuable lessons. From coaches who were amazing teachers to coaches who had no business being in the position they were in. They taught me how I wanted to act and how I most certainly didn’t want to act.

I will always remember how tough this game is to play…Remember how hard it is to hit a baseball, how hard it is to throw the ball to a specific location, how hard it is to field a ground ball on a bumpy surface, how hard it is catch a fly ball on a windy/sunny day and how hard it is to be consistent at all of it.

With that said, as long as a player is giving me their best attitude and their best effort, I will never get upset with them over their ability and game play. If it was as easy as many think and/or act like it is, there would be a lot more MLB teams than just 30.

Bottom line…Be positive, be motivating, be inspiring and be supportive of your Dude when it comes to playing this game. So many lessons to be learned and the more they will get to experience the longer they play.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.


2014-03-03 18.35.03-2For those that have followed us long enough, you know we preach, and teach, ways to respect the game and those around you. There’s a part of the youth game that I don’t quite understand when it comes to this. Allowing players to yell, from the dugout, things towards the opposing team, that are meant to distract and make them feel inadequate. This is not the way the game should be played. This is not respecting your opponents. This is not developing respectable young men but allowing them to bully in a controlled situation. In fact, these are the players who end up grown men, sitting in the stands at a professional game thinking it’s ok to yell at the players on the field.

As a former professional player and now a coach, I call this acting “Bush league”. This is no different than disrespecting your opponent by bat flipping after hitting a HR, or showing up the batter after you strike him out. The worst part about this is that it is sometimes promoted by the coaches. I would never allow my players to do this. Coaches who do allow this are simply hunting the “W” and willing to do whatever it takes to get that Win.

Parents, if your vision is for your Dude to grow up understanding what it means to respect others, watch out for this happening on his team. If it does happen, please take the time to help him understand why this is not how we want to act. Have him put himself in the other players shoes and how it would affect him if the yelling was towards him.

This is my opinion on this subject. Take it how you will, but point blank…Whether its my players or my own children, Respect, Honor and Integrity is the focus behind everything we do.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.

Dugout Etiquette

2014-05-30 19.47.09As a parent, my Dudes behavior is of the utmost importance. It is my responsibility as their leader to help them learn between what is right and what is wrong. From the way they speak to the way they carry themselves, I take it personal. With my kids all being so young, they, especially my 8 year old, are at a stage where they have a hard time deciphering between what is right and wrong, especially when they see their friends, who they look up to, act in certain ways. I don’t see or hear about everything but when I do, it’s my job as a responsible parent to set them straight. They may not like me at that moment, but that’s ok.

As coaches, how our players act in the dugout is our responsibility. I have seen some players who are great teammates and others who should be benched for their actions.

The best always make it a point to be positive. If a teammate is having a tough game, they don’t criticize behind their back. They don’t yell things from the dugout at the other team. If they strike out, they don’t hang their head and come back to the dugout and sit on the bench and pout while their team is trying to put something together. And they ALWAYS congratulate their teammates on their successes and are genuinely happy for them.

Players who are selfish need to be kept in check at all times. By allowing a player to act like this, not appreciate the efforts of their teammates, you are setting them up for a life where they will think it is ok to act like this. It should be unacceptable for a player to sit on the bench and hang their head because they made an error in the field or struck out. Every player should be up and high-fiveing when their team is out there working and scoring runs. Keep your eyes open for those who are not and you will see the selfish ones. It should be unacceptable for your players to yell at the other team or laugh at them when they make errors. And it should never be ok for your players to ridicule or put down their teammates for their ability. A player who does this would not have a place on my team.

With that said, young, and old men, like to tease back and forth. It’s usually just for fun but I have often seen it get to a point where someone takes it personal and feelings get hurt. This is bound to happen as we are controlled by emotions but we need to teach our Dudes and help them understand what is ok, what is taking it too far and that if they can dish it, they better be able to take it.

As always, there are so many life lessons we learn from this game. How we handle ourselves and how we handle the way others act is up front and center every day we are on the field. Be the best person/player/coach you can be and it will make life a lot more enjoyable.

Be positive, be respectful, be honest and be caring towards others as often as you can.

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.