Baseball Weekend

With the 3 day holiday weekend approaching (Memorial Day Weekend), there is a lot of baseball that’s going to be played across the nation.

I’m going to be honest, it makes me nervous. I’m concerned for all of the young pitchers and catchers out there.

Coaches, follow pitch counts, not inning limits. If they’re not a teenager, DON’T pitch them back to back days. Even though our chart here says it’s ok for 11-12 year olds to if they throw less than 15, if it’s not 100% necessary, don’t do it. Think about all of the other throws they are going to be making this weekend.

DON’T forget about those catcher too. For every pitch made, that’s a throw back to the pitcher and that’s another squat. No player should pitch and catch in the same day once they pitch or catch more than 30-40 pitches. And to be on the safer side, just stay away from the combo in the same day all together. Again, these choices are for their future.

DON’T pull a pitcher just because you take an early lead so you can save him for another game. If he’s the starter, use him. Let them reach their pitch count (whatever they are conditioned for), tell them great job, and use your other pitchers for the rest of the weekends innings. STOP making foolish decisions, that aren’t what’s best for the kids, just because you want to win some “big” tournament. And don’t ask the kid if he thinks he can pitch again, of course he’s going to say yes. Don’t ask the parents either if he can throw again, you are putting them in an uncomfortable spot. Man up and make some morally right decisions.

So many kids are going to get overused this weekend. Parents who follow us and read our words, LISTEN, it’s not worth it. Pay attention, be observant, know right from wrong and if you see something foolish happening, DON’T let it.

Their future is SO much more important.

Click here to view and download our pitch count chart

Chris Gissell (173 Posts)

Founder of Baseball Dudes. Blessed with three beautiful children and an amazing wife. Baseball is my life, after my family, and I love sharing what I have learned from it. Thanks for taking the time to view what we offer here at Baseball Dudes.